long,long ago什么意思?
原文:Long, long ago, there was a king. He liked to draw pictures. He thought his pictures were good, so he liked to show them to people. People were afraid to say that the king's pictures were bad, so they all said that his pictures were very good.
One day, the king showed some of his bast pictures to an artist. He wanted the artist to speak well of these pictures. But the artist said his pictures were so bad that he should put them into the fire. The king got angry with him and put him to prison.
After some time, the king's guard brought the artist back to the palace. The king said to the artist. "I will set you free if you tell me which one of my pictures is good."
Again he showed him some of his new pictures and asked what he thought of them. After having a look at them, the artist at once turned to the guard and said,"Take me back to prison, please."