For Once In My Life - Mel B歌词

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2013-11-16 · TA获得超过820个赞
This is how I feel

I've been gone in the dark in the shadows
Been afraid to throw my heart in the battle
Yesterday felt the weight of the shackles
Not anymore, not anymore

Turn the lights, turn the lights, turn the lights on
Wanna rise, feel the rush, feel the free fall
Through the night cause tonight I'm unstoppable

I wanna feel, I wanna feel
For once in my life I'm gonna let go
For once in my life I'm gonna do it for me
This is the time I've been waiting for
Strip it all away, I'm on a crave
For once in my life
For once in my life

Here I am, thinking 'Oh, what I came for?'
Thinking loud as the world is my dance floor
Standing strong and it feels so incredible
Gimme some more, gimme some more

Turn the lights, turn the lights, turn the lights on
Wanna rise, feel the rush, feel the free fall
Through the night cause tonight I'm unstoppable

I wanna feel, I wanna feel
For once in my life I'm gonna let go
For once in my life I'm gonna do it for me
This is the time I've been waiting for
Strip it all away, I'm on a crave
For once in my life
It's now or never
It's now or never
For once in my life
It's now or never
It's now or never
For once in my life
It's now or never
It's now or never
For once in my life
It's now or never
It's now or never

Ooh, ooohh
I wanna feel
Oooh, ooh
For once in my life I'm gonna let go
For once in my life I'm gonna do it for me
This is the time I've been waiting for
Strip it all away, I'm on a crave
For once in my life I'm gonna let go
For once in my life I'm gonna do it for me
This is the time I've been waiting for
Strip it all away, I'm on a crave
For once in my life
It's now or never
It's now or never
For once in my life
It's now or never
It's now or never
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