【身体 英文谚语】有关「身体」的常见英文谚语

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2022-11-07 · TA获得超过5724个赞

英文的谚语时常把人搞得快抓狂,它们总是透过不同的只字片语来形成一句谚语,而且!这个谚语很有可能和里面的单词毫无关系!像是“drive you crazy”,指的并不是司机很疯狂,指的是某件事情把你搞得快抓狂。

倘若你想让你周遭的朋友对你的英文能力为之惊叹,不妨利用英文中的谚语吧! 《mmmEnglish》的讲师Emma提供了几个与身体有关的常用谚语:

1.pain in the neck/butt/arse

意思:烫手山芋的无奈(似drive you crazy)

ex1. They said that my car was going to be at the mechanics for over a week… It’s such a pain in the neck! (他们说我的车子得在修车厂一个多星期,这真是无奈啊!)

ex2. I hope he doesn’t bring Peter, he can be a real pain in the neck! (我希望不要带上Peter,他是一个难搞的人!) ex3. Stop it! You’re being a real pain in the neck! (停下来!你真的是一个难搞的人!)

2.play it by ear

意思:不计划任何事物、弹性的去做事情、见机行事 例句: ex1.“We don’t really have a plan for tonight, we’re just going to play it by ear.” (我们今晚没有计划,我们只是见机行事。) ex2. “We don’t know what the weather’s going to be like this weekend for the camping trip, so we might have to play it by ear.” (我们不知道这个周末去露营旅行的天气会是如何,所以我们可能需要见机行事。)

3.(to) cost an arm and a leg

意思:指某样东西非常昂贵 例句: ex1. “Taking a family of five on a trip to Fiji…It’s going to cost an arm and a leg! ” (带一家五口去一趟斐济旅行… 这费用将非常昂贵!) ex2. “I love their new kitchen! But, it must have cost them an arm and a leg! ” (我爱他们的新厨房!但是它肯定非常昂贵!) ex3. “I want my kids to have the best eduction possible, but the school fees are costing an arm and a leg! I just don’t know if it’s worth it.” (我想让我的孩子受最好的教育,但学费实在非常昂贵!我不知道是否值得这么做。)

4.(to) get (something) off your chest


ex1. “Thanks for listening to me plain about my boss! I just needed to get it off my chest.”(感谢你听我抱怨我的老板!我需要宣泄我的情绪。) ex2. “He’s been frustrated about this for months! He just needs to talk to him about it and get it off his chest! ”(他已经沮丧了几个月了!他需要把心事说出来!) ex3.“OK, I need to get something off my chest. I’ve been waiting to tell you about it for weeks! ”(好吧,我需要把我的心事说出来。我等了好几个星期要告诉你!)

5.(to) keep an eye on (something)

意思:注意、留心 例句: ex1. “I’ll keep an eye on dinner while you’re on the phone.” (当你在打电话的时候,我会留意晚餐。) ex2.“Oh! Sarah said she’d keep an eye the kids while we go out.” (噢!莎拉说,当我们出去时她会照看孩子)

6.(to be) all ears

意思:全神贯注地聆听着 例句: ex1. “Give me just a minute to finish this, then I’ll be all ears.” (给我一分钟完成这个,然后我会全神贯注地听。) ex2. “Well, if you’ve got a better idea then I’m all ears! ” (没问题!如果你有更好的点子,我洗耳恭听!)

7.cold feet

意思:在参加重要事务之前,感到非常紧张、胆怯,因而临阵脱逃。 例句: ex1. “He was so nervous before his presentation, I thought he was going to get cold feet! ” (他在演讲之前很紧张,我以为他会临阵脱逃!) ex2.“So, how did it go? Or did you get cold feet? ” (所以,这件事如何啊?还是你临阵脱逃了?)


ex. “Sorry! That went straight over my head! Can you say it again? ” (不好意思!这超越了我能的理解范围了!你能再说一遍吗?)


ex.If he doesn’t start behaving like a manager and treating his staff fairly, I’ll have to go over his head. (如果他一开始没有表现的像一个经理,公平地对待他的员工。我必须越过他。)

all ears, all ears 中文, all ears 意思, all ears 翻译, cold feet, cold feet 中文, cold feet 意思, cold feet 翻译, cost an arm and a leg, cost an arm and a leg 中文, cost an arm and a leg 意思, cost an arm and a leg 翻译, get something off your chest 中文, get something off your chest 意思, get something off your chest 翻译, go over someone’s head 中文, go over someone’s head 意思, go over someone’s head 翻译, It cost an arm and a leg, keep an eye on, keep an eye on 中文, keep an eye on 意思, keep an eye on 翻译, pain in the arse, pain in the arse 中文, pain in the arse 意思, pain in the arse 翻译, pain in the butt, pain in the butt 中文, pain in the butt 意思, pain in the butt 翻译, pain in the neck, pain in the neck 中文, pain in the neck 意思, pain in the neck 翻译, play it by ear, play it by ear 中文, play it by ear 意思, play it by ear 翻译, to get something off your chest, to go over someone’s head, to keep an eye on something, 身体 英文, 身体 英文谚语, 身体 谚语, 身体英文谚语

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