请好心人帮我翻译一下这段英文好吗?急用谢谢!~~~ 5

NAME:COUNTRY:REFEREE-EXAMINATION1Atthekick-offtheballisshotdirectlyintheopponentsgoal... N A M E: COUNTRY:
1 At the kick-off the ball is shot directly in the opponents goal. Decision?
0 goal
0 no goal, retake
0 no goal, goal-kick
2 Indirect free-kick awarded to the attacking team 20 y in front of the opponents goal. The referee raises an arm. One attacker shoots the ball directly into the opponents goal without any player
touching the ball. Decision?
0 goal
0 no goal, retake
0 no goal, goal-kick

3 Must the ball have a special colour?
0 yes
0 no
4 Corner-kick! The ball is scored directly into the opponents goal. Is it a goal?
0 yes
0 no
5 Up to what moment the referee can reverse a decision made by him by mistake?
0 never
0 up to 2 minutes
0 so long as the game has not been restarted
6 Penalty-kick! The ball rebounds from the goal-post and the player taking the kick shoots the ball directly in the net. Decision?
0 retake
0 goal
0 indirect free-kick in the favour of the defending team
7 How does the referee indicate that there is an indirect free-kick?
0 calling
0 whistling twice
0 raising an arm

8 Goal-Kick! The ball has travelled only 5 yards when a defender handles it. Decision?
0 penalty-kick
0 drop-ball
0 retake of the goal-kick
9 Can the referee send off an player without any previous caution?
0 yes
0 no
10 Throw-in! The ball is thrown to player in clear offside-position.Decision?
0 Retake
0 Play on
0 Indirect free-kick awarded to the defending team
氮一米五:国家:裁判员考一开球球直接击中对手的目的. 决定? 00无目标的目标,夺回0无目标, 目标2踢间接自由球奖20个队的进攻面前Y的对手目标. 裁判不该手臂. 一芽球直入攻击目标没有任何对手球选手感人. 决定? 00无目标的目标,夺回0无目标,目标要踢3球有着特殊颜色? 040没有好的角落踢! 球直接得分为对手的目标. 它是一个目标? 直至500没有什么好的时刻裁判作出的决定可以推翻他的错吗? 从未000至2分钟,只要游戏尚未启动6处罚踢! 篮板球球从目标后,球员直接把球在地上踢网. 决定? 目标夺回000间接自由球在防守队赞成票7说明如何裁判员 有一个间接自由球. 电话:000猎猎两次提高了八臂目标踢! 仅5场球传到卫士当处理. 决定? 0码0踢落球反攻的目的0-9能踢球送球员没有任何先前 谨慎? 0100没有丢不错--! 球抛向球员明显越位-position.decision? 夺回000起就间接自由球队防守奖
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