问:The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o’clock on Friday...
答:校乐队也来了--他们穿着黄黑相间的制服。他们在7点45分左右开始演奏。在场的所有人都起立,跟着唱了起来。比赛就要开始了!两队的队员都跑着出现在场地上。 裁判终于吹响了哨声。比赛开始了!一场篮球比赛是被分为两个半场的,而两个半场又分别被分为两个小节。在半场的间隔有一段休息时间。在下...
2006-11-20 回答者: camillavio 3个回答
答:Wuthering heights of heathcliff is a "human and animal" of the image. He has a naive young from good to a brutal violence revenge crazy? XinDeLei and LinDui represented by oppression and society is heathcliff tragedy indirect and external reasons, the direct and intrinsic reason is...
2010-03-12 回答者: 梦想success 4个回答
问:yo kay.. yo tell my man to get back in the studio man i've got to f...
答:上面是机译的吧……汗……我也只是试着翻译一下,感觉很不通……希望能有点帮助而已。yo kay.. yo tell my man to get back in the studio man i've got to finish this part real quick... (前面的都是发语词用“唷”就好)告诉我的臣民们回到工作室,我必须很快的完成这部分。it's...
2008-06-30 回答者: Firezwf 4个回答
问:大家帮帮我..把这段英文翻译咯好么.?谢谢咯噢.!! The treasure, both of...
答:---以下为个人评论,与翻译内容无关 我是翻译机器+人工修改的‘‘应该没多大问题 这个男人...真不错
2007-02-15 回答者: soiamcc 2个回答
答:给你手工翻译的:My facial scar was caused by a hemangioma surgery from when I was one year old. Medical technology was more primitive back then, and the scar was left by the stitiches. The scar is hypertrophic, I've tried to reduce it using many methods within the past few ...
2013-02-22 回答者: w34p0nx 3个回答
问:【【【Fooled you! you written these things was ...... was..... looo...
答:直接在你的文章改了啊。你写的很多错误啊 【【【Fool you! you wrote these things was ... was... looooool , was sent to your friend who gave u the url ! (His account is :1), Now he had known who you love ...Don't angry!... It's just a joke your friend play wit...
2008-08-15 回答者: 茶米 6个回答
答:The good faith namely honest code of honor, is has the universal moralstandard, is processes individual and the society, individual andbetween other people's reciprocity foundational moral standard. Thehonest code of honor is the initial sexual morality, is in moralsystem mother Germany,...
2007-09-10 回答者: cjc_kk 2个回答 6
答:This is regardless of whether the design of the film things, that a word of Italian and English accents are very much like it at all, it can be considered a small bright spot in it, from that point of view is really very carefully to the director.这样可以么 看下 ...
2008-12-29 回答者: love5726158 3个回答
答:经http://www.onlinetranslation.cn/翻译中心译为:Inspired by the manager of the enterprise is a continuous, dynamic process. Enterprise Manager is a core operation of enterprises, business manager an incentive and constraint is a long process from the outside to the need to train ...
2006-06-20 回答者: zhao云123 2个回答
问:What is your favorite part of the day?My favorite part is night tim...
2007-09-15 回答者: 张小猫不哭 15个回答 3

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