答:其实老师不会放在心上的,如果你真想道歉,可以简单说两句,不用写信,一张便签就可以,下课时交给她,相信她会很高兴的 Dear Miss +姓氏,Glad to meet you! My name is ***. I'm so sorry that I called you Mr. * this morning, and I didn't mean to do it. I was just too ...
2011-11-18 回答者: nikki23 2个回答 2
答:Dear (写客户的名字),Please allow me to take this opportunity to apologise for the wrong delivery of your order. We at (写本公司的名字)always try to ensure that our orders arrive promptly and will do our best to ensure that this never happens again.Thank you for your ...
2016-03-22 回答者: 燕子SEO123 1个回答 5
答:Dear Sir,I am writing to give my apologies to you for having skipped last Thursday's class.Last Thursday was a bad day to me. When I got up that morning, I found that I was not quite myself. My mother sent me to the hospital and had me examined. Surprisingly, I was ...
2010-12-06 回答者: 注册问问真麻烦 1个回答 6
答:Dear teacher,(说明主旨) I am writing to express my sincere regretes for not being able to attend the sports meeting. (陈述理由)I sprained my ankle last week when playing football, and till now i can barely walk on my feet .(请求允许)It is a big loss for me and for ...
2015-10-27 回答者: cynthia_988 1个回答
英文道歉信 越简单越好~100个字左右
问:关于家里小狗跑到邻居家打破了邻居家的花盆的道歉信 非常感谢~
答:Dear (名字)i am very sorry for the fact that i had accidentally let my dog ran to your house and break your flowerpot. I know i should have put my eyes on him more often and always make sure he is not getting any trouble.,but since it had already took a place i am ...
2011-02-20 回答者: luv_ly 1个回答 4
问:英文道歉信 越简单越好~100个字左右 关于家里小狗跑到邻居家打破了邻居...
答:Dear (名字)i am very sorry for the fact that i had accidentally let my dog ran to your house and break your flowerpot.I know i should have put my eyes on him more often and always make sure he is not getting any trouble.,but since it had already took a place i am ...
2020-08-23 回答者: 裴甲慕容璐 1个回答 1
答:Dear John,I do appologize for not being able to pick you up at the railway station.I was late that evening and drove very fast to railway station to avoid missing you.I made nearly 50 mile per hour at the road with a speed limit of 30 mph.I was unlacky to be caught ...
2016-03-28 回答者: 幸福哥哥小帅哥 1个回答 7
答:Dear Tom,I am terribly sorry to say that I can't find the book you lent me---OREAL ENGLISH. I have already read it and I arranged to give it back to you. I will buy a new one for you.Cordially,Helen
2012-07-23 回答者: sylvia091827 3个回答 1
答:Dear Mr/Mrs XXX,I am writing to apologize sincerely for my absence of your English class last week. From the bottom of my heart, I had never planned to escape any class of yours which is so interesting and instructional. However, a very important competition drove me away from...
2011-11-18 回答者: Kalvin151 3个回答 5
答:Dear Mr.XX:I'm sorry for the last class that I didn't attend in time.I promise I will never be late forever,please accept my apologize.Sincerely.Yours.XXX 把你要道歉的代进去就可以了.希望可以采纳我的问题!
2019-11-24 回答者: 晏濯澹台宜春 1个回答

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