答:我: 您好,请问是abc公司的财务主管xx吗?我这里是xxx银行打来的,我姓李。对方:(回答是)Good afternoon, this is Lee, from xxx Bank. Is it Financial supervisor xx ? abc ?我:我想跟您确认一下关于贵公司变更注册...
2013-11-06 回答者: AndsonLok 1个回答 1
问:(金店) Salesperson:我能帮助你么? Boy:恩.我要看一个戒指. S:看看这个...
答:楼上几位的翻译我都看了,错误多多少少还是有一些。有语法上的,也有表达习惯上的。以下是我的翻译。我在美国生活两年了,所以对这些日常用语还算熟悉。S: Hi. Can I help you?B: Yes. I'm looking for a ring.S...
2009-05-15 回答者: toostrong 4个回答 7
问:A:祝贺!你们的比赛实在太精彩了。 B:谢谢你。 A:训练期间很辛苦吧?...
答:A: congratulations! That is really an impressive match.B: Thank you.A: Is that a tough time in your training?B: sure, our coach is very strict. We practiced in a very long time every day, but we ...
2012-04-21 回答者: lixiao0451 4个回答
答:首先申明:纯人工翻译!!!A:Wow! The movie about trannational marriage is really interesting. It make me want to marry to a foreigners in the futher。B: That is no doubt that this is a wonderful movie!
2012-04-22 回答者: 看书aaa 4个回答 2
问:内容是 A:你好.XXXXXXX. B:你好.是A吗? A:是的. B:我是B.我明天要去加拿...
答:A:可是我的朋友要去加拿大了.我一会要去机场送行.要不你和我一起去吧? But my friend is going to Canada, I will see him off at the airport,well, wanna come with me C:好吧.Ok 机场 At the airport A:...
2008-06-04 回答者: ulysseslee 4个回答 1
求这段视频的对话翻译 英语高手
问:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODkwMzA1NDA=.html Animal plant节目上...
答:can you tell me your name?告诉我们你的名字 say hey!打个招呼 and be polite!有礼貌点 let's do some animal sound:我们来学动物声音吧 let's do wolf 狼嚎 how about birds?鸟鸣 owls?猫头鹰 how about chimpa...
2009-09-13 回答者: tongqixian 2个回答 2
问:A:你好,A,你去哪里啊? B:你好,B,我去买飞机票,准备去北`京旅游...
答:A: Hello B, were are you going?B: Hi A, I'm buying the plane ticket to get ready for a trip to Beijing.A: Oh you are heading for our capital, that's wonderful. What tourist resorts are there in...
2011-06-12 回答者: xilhouette 2个回答
问:B:你的脸色看起来不怎么好,发生事了吗? A:我上个星期粗鲁地对妈妈说...
答:B: you look upset, what happened?A: I said something rude to my mom. Now I am so regretful, but I have no idea how I deal with this.B: I think you have to apologize to your mom. I have been ...
2012-04-21 回答者: lixiao0451 3个回答
问:请英语大虾帮忙翻译!!! B:贝弗莉 A:安吉拉 B:安,介意我问一个私人...
答:B: Ann,Peaceful, minded I ask a personal question?A: No.B: Looked that, I said this you may not be angry, but, you use what color is the lipstick?A: Pink.B: Pink! Ya, you can accept little ...
2009-06-15 回答者: 冰失天羽 5个回答
答:如果你们来中国请告诉我们,我们欢迎你们来我们工厂.If you come to China to please to tell us, welcome to our factory.我希望我们能有一个好的合作机会.I hope we can have a good cooperation opportunity.现在我们...
2007-04-04 回答者: 无畏农民 5个回答

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