
摘要 (B)What are the new rules in your school regarding COVID-19? In our school, wearing a mask is mandatory at all times while on campus. Before entering the school, every student's temperature is checked, and if it exceeds 37.3 degrees Celsius, they will be asked to go back home. Moreover, every student is required to fulfill their duty to keep the campus clean and sanitized by cleaning their desk and surrounding area after class.In my opinion, these rules are necessary and effective measures to ensure the safety of all students and staff on campus. COVID-19 is still a serious threat, and we should all take precautions to prevent its spread. I believe that following these rules not only protects ourselves but also shows our responsibility and respect for others.
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-04-10
smoke alarm(A)More and more students in Grade 9 begin to stay up late to study. A discussion about it was held in my class. Some students think that studying late into the night can help them get good grades and seeing others studying so hard, some students follow their example. However, other students think that it is not good for their health to stay up late. What's more, it will make them sleepy in the class in the daytime.Paragraph 1:In my opinion, staying up late to study is not a good idea. Although it may help students get good grades, it will also affect their health and make them feel tired during the day. Therefore, it is important for us to find a balance between studying and resting.
(B)What are the new rules in your school regarding COVID-19? In our school, wearing a mask is mandatory at all times while on campus. Before entering the school, every student's temperature is checked, and if it exceeds 37.3 degrees Celsius, they will be asked to go back home. Moreover, every student is required to fulfill their duty to keep the campus clean and sanitized by cleaning their desk and surrounding area after class.In my opinion, these rules are necessary and effective measures to ensure the safety of all students and staff on campus. COVID-19 is still a serious threat, and we should all take precautions to prevent its spread. I believe that following these rules not only protects ourselves but also shows our responsibility and respect for others.
烟雾报警器(A) 越来越多的九年级学生开始熬夜学习。关于它的讨论在我的班级举行。有的同学认为熬夜学习可以取得好成绩,看到别人这么努力学习,也有同学效仿。但是,也有同学认为熬夜对身体不好。更重要的是,这会让他们白天在课堂上昏昏欲睡。Paragraph 1:在我看来,熬夜学习不是一个好主意。虽然这可能有助于学生取得好成绩,但也会影响他们的健康,让他们白天感到疲倦。因此,我们在学习和休息之间找到一个平衡点很重要。(B) 贵校关于 COVID-19 的新规定是什么?在我们学校,在校园内任何时候都必须戴口罩。进入学校前,每个学生都会测量体温,如果超过37.3摄氏度,就会被要求回家。此外,每个学生都必须履行职责,保持校园清洁和卫生,在课后清洁他们的办公桌和周围区域。在我看来,这些规则是确保校园内所有学生和教职工安全的必要和有效措施。COVID-19 仍然是一个严重的威胁,我们都应该采取预防措施防止其传播。我相信遵守这些规则不仅可以保护我们自己,还可以体现我们对他人的责任和尊重。




