
摘要 您好亲,Task 1:(1) The boss has been anxious about the financial condition of his company these days.(2) We are eager to locate a suitable site for our new factory.(3) There is a problem even for the people in the profession.(4) Many of the performers were of high standard.(5) Which post are you being interviewed for?Task 2:(1) I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your help.(2) The new policy has caused a lot of controversy among the public.(3) The company has decided to expand its business to overseas markets.(4) She has a great talent for playing musical instruments.(5) The government is committed to promoting economic growth and development.
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-04-01
您好亲,Task 1:(1) The boss has been anxious about the financial condition of his company these days.(2) We are eager to locate a suitable site for our new factory.(3) There is a problem even for the people in the profession.(4) Many of the performers were of high standard.(5) Which post are you being interviewed for?Task 2:(1) I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your help.(2) The new policy has caused a lot of controversy among the public.(3) The company has decided to expand its business to overseas markets.(4) She has a great talent for playing musical instruments.(5) The government is committed to promoting economic growth and development.
您好亲,(1) The Chinese government has been trying its best to improve its national brands of all kinds to meet the needs of modern life.(2) I am continuing to apply for jobs.(3) Do you surf the web or watch TV just because you are bored?(4) We stare at our phones when we want to avoid eye contact.(5) I can tell by your body language that you're happy with the decision.
您好亲,there are many opportunities for people to gain work experience beyond traditional jobs or internships. With just an internet connection, anyone can start their own successful venture such as a blog, photography business or take online courses to enhance their coding or marketing skills. By doing so, individuals can develop their skills and gain valuable experience, which can ultimately help them in their future careers.




