This is one of the nicest places in the city in which to live.Airports have introduced stricter security precautions in the last five years to ensure passenger safety.Copying from the Internet is a common problem for teachers, and is becoming increasingly prevalent these days.Some sychologists believe that community service is sometimes a more effective deterrent for criminals than going to prison.This suburb has become one of the most dangerous areas for robberies and other crimes.Drinking too much is dangerous for your health. So is smoking. In my opinion, drinking can be just as dangerous as smoking
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-06-10
亲,你好!为您找寻的答案:Some people think that watching violent films can cause someone to become aggressive.The world's most stolen painting is the much-stolen Rembrandt's Jacob lll de Cheyr. It has become a notorious target for thieves, having been stolen four times!Do you think people under the age of 18 should get shorter sentences than those older than 18, for the same crime?The problem of teenagers carrying weapons is now worse and more widespread than it was a few years ago.
This is one of the nicest places in the city in which to live.Airports have introduced stricter security precautions in the last five years to ensure passenger safety.Copying from the Internet is a common problem for teachers, and is becoming increasingly prevalent these days.Some sychologists believe that community service is sometimes a more effective deterrent for criminals than going to prison.This suburb has become one of the most dangerous areas for robberies and other crimes.Drinking too much is dangerous for your health. So is smoking. In my opinion, drinking can be just as dangerous as smoking