
摘要 亲很高兴为您服务哦!大小写字母转换,如果输入大写字母,就输出小写字母;如果输入小写字母,则输出对应的大写字母;如果输入其他符号或数字,则输出不是一个字母。以下是一个Python的实现示例:letter = input("请输入一个字母:")if letter.isalpha(): if letter.isupper(): print(letter.lower()) else: print(letter.upper())else: print("不是一个字母。")
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-03-16
亲很高兴为您服务哦!大小写字母转换,如果输入大写字母,就输出小写字母;如果输入小写字母,则输出对应的大写字母;如果输入其他符号或数字,则输出不是一个字母。以下是一个Python的实现示例:letter = input("请输入一个字母:")if letter.isalpha(): if letter.isupper(): print(letter.lower()) else: print(letter.upper())else: print("不是一个字母。")
亲很高兴为您服务哦!ax²+bx+c=0,要求输入a,b,c的值,如果a=0,显示一个解,当b²-4ac>0,显示两个解,其他情况无解a = float(input("请输入a的值:"))b = float(input("请输入b的值:"))c = float(input("请输入c的值:"))if a == 0: if b == 0: if c == 0: print("方程有无数解。") else: print("方程无解。") else: x = -c / b print("方程的解为:x = ", x)else: delta = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c if delta > 0: x1 = (-b + delta ** 0.5) / (2 * a) x2 = (-b - delta ** 0.5) / (2 * a) print("方程的两个实数解为:x1 = ", x1, ",x2 = ", x2) elif delta == 0: x = -b / (2 * a) print("方程有唯一解:x = ", x) else: print("方程无实数解。")
亲很高兴为您服务哦!四个数从大到小排序,输入四个数字,由大到小排序a = float(input("请输入第一个数字:"))b = float(input("请输入第二个数字:"))c = float(input("请输入第三个数字:"))d = float(input("请输入第四个数字:"))if a >= b and a >= c and a >= d: if b >= c and b >= d: print(a, b, max(c, d), min(c, d)) elif c >= b and c >= d: print(a, c, max(b, d), min(b, d)) else: print(a, d, max(b, c), min(b, c))elif b >= a and b >= c and b >= d: if a >= c and a >= d: print(b, a, max(c, d), min(c, d)) elif c >= a and c >= d: print(b, c, max(a, d), min(a, d)) else: print(b, d, max(a, c), min(a, c))elif c >= a and c >= b and c >= d: if a >= b and a >= d: print(c, a, max(b, d), min(b, d)) elif b >= a and b >= d: print(c, b, max(a, d), min(a, d)) else: print(c, d, max(a, b), min(a, b))else: if a >= b and a >= c: print(d, a, max(b, c), min(b, c)) elif b >= a and b >= c: print(d, b, max(a, c), min(a, c)) else: print(d,
接上方没打完print(d, b, max(a, c), min(a, c)) else: print(d, c, max(a, b), min(a, b))
亲很高兴为您服务哦!有两个圆,第一个圆圆心为原点,半径为2,第二个圆圆心为(2,0),半径也是2.输入控件中的任意一点坐标(x,y),显示这个点的位置:(i)既在圆1内,也在圆2内,(ii)只在圆一内不在圆二内;(iii)只在圆二内不在圆一内;(iiii)既不在圆一内也不在圆二内。import math# 第一个圆的圆心和半径center1 = [0, 0]radius1 = 2# 第二个圆的圆心和半径center2 = [2, 0]radius2 = 2# 获取用户输入的点坐标x = float(input("请输入点的x坐标:"))y = float(input("请输入点的y坐标:"))# 计算点到圆心的距离distance1 = math.sqrt((x - center1[0])**2 + (y - center1[1])**2)distance2 = math.sqrt((x - center2[0])**2 + (y - center2[1])**2)# 判断点的位置if distance1 <= radius1 and distance2 <= radius2: print("这个点既在圆1内,也在圆2内。")elif distance1 radius2: print("这个点只在圆1内不在圆2内。")elif distance1 > radius1 and distance2 <= radius2: print("这个点只在圆2内不在圆1内。")else: print("这个点既不在圆1内也不在圆2内。")
大小写字母转换,如果输入大写字母,就输出小写字母;如果输入小写字母,则输出对应的大写字母;如果输入其他符号或数字,则输出不是一个字母:#include int main() { char ch; printf("请输入一个字母:"); scanf("%c", &ch); if (ch >= 'a' && ch / 如果输入的是小写字母 printf("转换后的字母是:%c\n", ch - 32); // 转换成大写字母 } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { // 如果输入的是大写字母 printf("转换后的字母是:%c\n", ch + 32); // 转换成小写字母 } else { // 如果输入的不是字母 printf("不是一个字母。\n"); } return 0;}
第五题:#include int main() { int month, day, year; printf("Enter date(mm/dd/yy): "); scanf("%d/%d/%d", &month, &day, &year); printf("This is "); switch (day) { case 1: case 21: case 31: printf("%dst", day); break; case 2: case 22: printf("%dnd", day); break; case 3: case 23: printf("%drd", day); break; default: printf("%dth", day); break; } printf(" day of "); switch (month) { case 1: printf("January"); break; case 2: printf("February"); break; case 3: printf("March"); break; case 4: printf("April"); break; case 5: printf("May"); break; case 6: printf("June"); break; case 7: printf("July"); break;
接上方 case 8: printf("August"); break; case 9: printf("September"); break; case 10: printf("October"); break; case 11: printf("November"); break; case 12: printf("December"); break; default: printf("invalid month"); break; } printf(", %d.\n", year); return 0;}
第六题:#include int main() { int year; printf("Enter a year: "); scanf("%d", &year); if (year % 4 == 0) { if (year % 100 == 0) { if (year % 400 == 0) { printf("%d is a leap year.", year); } else { printf("%d is not a leap year.", year); } } else { printf("%d is a leap year.", year); } } else { printf("%d is not a leap year.", year); } return 0;}
第七题:#include int main() { double profit, bonus; printf("Enter the profit: "); scanf("%lf", &profit); if (profit <= 100000) { bonus = profit * 0.1; } else if (profit <= 200000) { bonus = 100000 * 0.1 + (profit - 100000) * 0.075; } else if (profit <= 400000) { bonus = 100000 * 0.1 + 100000 * 0.075 + (profit - 200000) * 0.05; } else if (profit <= 600000) { bonus = 100000 * 0.1 + 100000 * 0.075 + 200000 * 0.05 + (profit - 400000) * 0.03; } else if (profit <= 1000000) { bonus = 100000 * 0.1 + 100000 * 0.075 + 200000 * 0.05 + 200000 * 0.03 + (profit - 600000) * 0.015; } else { bonus = 100000 * 0.1 + 100000 * 0.075 + 200000 * 0.05 + 200000 * 0.03 + 400000 * 0.015 + (profit - 1000000) * 0.01; } printf("Bonus = %.2f\n", bonus); return 0;}
#include int main(){ int a, b, c, d, temp; printf("请输入四个数字:\n"); scanf("%d %d %d %d", &a, &b, &c, &d); if (a < b) { temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } if (a < c) { temp = a; a = c; c = temp; } if (a < d) { temp = a; a = d; d = temp; } if (b < c) { temp = b; b = c; c = temp; } if (b < d) { temp = b; b = d; d = temp; } if (c < d) { temp = c; c = d; d = temp; } printf("从大到小排序为:%d %d %d %d\n", a, b, c, d); return 0;}
最好复制下给我 图片不是特别清楚
#include int main(void){ double profit, bonus; printf("输入当月利润:"); scanf("%lf",&profit); if (profit <= 100000) { bonus = 0.1 * profit;} else if (100000 < profit <= 200000) { bonus = 0.1 * 100000 + 0.075 * (profit - 100000);} else if (200000 < profit <= 400000) { bonus = 0.1 * 100000 + 0.075 * 100000 + 0.05 * (profit - 200000);} else if (400000 < profit <= 600000) { bonus = 0.1 * 100000 + 0.075 * 100000 + 0.05 * 200000 + 0.03 * (profit - 400000);} else if (600000 < profi
没事 断的地方接下去发
else if (600000 < profit <= 1000000) { bonus = 0.1 * 100000 + 0.075 * 100000 + 0.05 * 200000 + 0.03 * 200000 + 0.015 * (profit - 600000);} else { bonus = 0.1 * 100000 + 0.075 * 100000 + 0.05 * 200000 + 0.03 * 200000 + 0.015 * 400000 + 0.01 * (profit - 1000000);} return 0;}
#include int main(void){ double profit, bonus; printf("输入当月利润:"); scanf("%lf",&profit); if (profit 100000 && profit 200000 && profit 400000 && profit 600000 && profit <= 1000000) { bonus = 0.1 * 100000 + 0.075 * 100000 + 0.05 * 200000 + 0.03 * 200000 + 0.015 * (profit - 600000); } else { bonus = 0.1 * 100000 + 0.075 * 100000 + 0.05 * 200000 + 0.03 * 200000 + 0.015 * 400000 + 0.01 * (profit - 1000000); } printf("当月应发奖金总数为:%lf元\n", bonus); return 0;}
改了下 复制进去试试
我想问一下else if 和else有啥区别
else if 是在前面的 if 或 else if 的条件不满足的情况下,检查一个新的条件并执行相应的代码块。如果所有前面的 if 和 else if 条件都不满足,那么最后的 else 块会执行。else 块只有在前面的所有 if 和 else if 条件都不满足时才会执行,因此 else 块通常用来处理默认情况或错误情况。
给你个例子:如果 score 是 90,那么第二个条件 else if (score >= 80) 会被满足,而最后的 else 块不会执行。int score = 90;if (score >= 90) { printf("优秀\n");} else if (score >= 80) { printf("良好\n");} else { printf("一般\n");}
如果 num 是偶数,那么 if 块会被执行,而 else 块则不会执行。如果 num 是奇数,那么 if 块不会被执行,而 else 块则会被执行。int num = 5;if (num % 2 == 0) { printf("%d 是偶数\n", num);} else { printf("%d 是奇数\n", num);}




