# 宁夏回族自治区
## 简称及首府
- 简称:宁
- 首府:银川
## 地理位置
- 位于中国西北内陆地区
- 东邻陕西
- 西、北接内蒙古
- 南连甘肃
- 位于四大地理区划的西北地区
## 地形地貌
- 地形从西南向东北逐渐倾斜
- 丘陵沟壑林立
- 地形分为三大板块:北部引黄灌区、中部干旱带、南部山区
- 地势南高北低,呈阶梯状下降
## 气候条件
- 温带大陆性干旱、半干旱气候
咨询记录 · 回答于2024-01-17
具体如下:Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, referred to as Ning, is the capital of Yinchuan. It is located in the inland area of Northwest China, adjacent to Shaanxi in the East, Inner Mongolia in the West and North, with a total area of 66400 square kilometers. It is located in the northwest of the four geographical divisions.宁夏回族自治区,简称宁,首府银川。位于中国西北内陆地区,东邻陕西,西、北接内蒙古,南连甘肃,宁夏回族自治区总面积6.64万平方公里,位于四大地理区划的西北地区。The terrain of Ningxia gradually tilts from southwest to northeast, with hills and gullies. The terrain is divided into three plates: Yellow River Diversion Irrigation Area in the north, arid zone in the middle and mountainous area in the south. The terrain is high in the South and low in the north, The whole region has a temperate continental arid and semi-arid climate.宁夏地形从西南向东北逐渐倾斜,丘陵沟壑林立,地形分为三大板块:北部引黄灌区、中部干旱带、南部山区。宁夏地处黄河水系,地势南高北低,呈阶梯状下降,全区属温带大陆性干旱、半干旱气候。
# 宁夏回族自治区
## 行政划分
- 下辖5个地级市(9个市辖区、2个县级市、11个县)
## 人口统计
- 2020年第七次全国人口普查总人口为7202654人
## 经济发展
- 2020年,宁夏实现地区生产总值3920.55亿元
- 比2019年增长3.9%