1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive). 2.He told me his son was ——(watch TV).
3. Where have you been since I last__ (see you)? 4.Yesterday he told me that he——anything since Tuesday.(not eat)

4. Yesterday he told me that he hadn't eaten anything since Tuesday. (昨天他告诉我他自周二以来什么都没吃。)这是一个过去完成时的陈述句,用于描述过去某个时间之前已经完成的动作。"hadn't eaten" 表示过去完成时,表示在过去某个时间之前就已经完成了没有吃东西这个动作。
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-05-25
3. Where have you been since I last__ (see you)? 4.Yesterday he told me that he——anything since Tuesday.(not eat)
1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive).
2. He told me his son was ——(watch TV).
1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive).
3. Where have you been since I last__ (see you)? 4.Yesterday he told me that he——anything since Tuesday.(not eat)
2. He told me his son was ——(watch TV).
1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive).
3. Where have you been since I last__ (see you)? 4.Yesterday he told me that he——anything since Tuesday.(not eat)
2. He told me his son was ——(watch TV).
1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive).
3. Where have you been since I last__ (see you)? 4.Yesterday he told me that he——anything since Tuesday.(not eat)
2. He told me his son was ——(watch TV).
1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive).
3. Where have you been since I last__ (see you)? 4.Yesterday he told me that he——anything since Tuesday.(not eat)
2. He told me his son was ——(watch TV).
1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive).
3. Where have you been since I last__ (see you)? 4.Yesterday he told me that he——anything since Tuesday.(not eat)
2. He told me his son was ——(watch TV).
1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive).
3. Where have you been since I last__ (see you)? 4.Yesterday he told me that he——anything since Tuesday.(not eat)
2. He told me his son was ——(watch TV).
1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive).
3. Where have you been since I last__ (see you)? 4.Yesterday he told me that he——anything since Tuesday.(not eat)
2. He told me his son was ——(watch TV).
1. I will tell him as soon as he—— (arrive).