亲亲您好,很高兴为你解答奥,中文:汉译英翻译英文:Chinese to English translation
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-04-23
亲亲您好,很高兴为你解答奥,中文:汉译英翻译英文:Chinese to English translation
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The joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative conforms to the intrinsic requirements of the transformation of the global governance system, embodies the consciousness of a community of shared future with a sense of solidarity and shared responsibility, and provides new ideas and solutions for perfecting the transformation of the global governance system.
亲亲,共建“一带一路”顺应了全球治理体系变革的内在要求,彰显了同舟共济、权责共担的命运共同体意识,为完善全球治理体系变革提供了新思路新方案。Jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative embodies the intrinsic requirement of the transformation of the global governance system, highlights the sense of a community with a shared future in which all countries help each other and assume shared responsibility, and provides new ideas and solutions for improving the transformation of the global governance system.
We must adhere to the policy of independent and independent peace diplomacy, prioritize the development of the country and the nation on our own strength, firmly follow our own path, and pursue the path of peaceful development. At the same time, we must not give up our legitimate rights and interests, nor sacrifice the core interests of the country.
The areas along the ancient Silk Road were once "places where milk and bees flowed", but now many places have become synonymous with conflicts, turmoil, and crisis challenges. This situation cannot continue any longer. We need to establish a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security concept, and create a security pattern of co construction and sharing. Efforts should be made to resolve hot topics and adhere to political solutions; Efforts should be made to mediate and uphold f