
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-05-31
"life"这个单词的含义是多样的,下面列举一些常见的用法:1. 名词用法- 生命(例如:The doctor managed to save his life.)- 人生、生活(例如:She has had a difficult life.)- 活力、精神(例如:He's full of life and always optimistic.)- 时间(例如:Our relationship was at its best during that period of my life.)2. 动词用法- 存在、生存(例如:Many animals can't survive in the desert, but some have adapted to desert life.)- 继续存在、持续(例如:The tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and still continues to this day.)- 给予生命(例如:Artificial respiration brought the patient back to life.)- 粉刷、涂漆(例如:We need to life the walls before we can paint them.)除了上述常见用法,"life"还有其他含义,比如:- 牌技游戏中的一种状态(例如:After he played that card, his opponent lost a life.)- 抽奖游戏中的机会(例如:I won two more lives from the game machine.)- 带领某人进行某项工作或活动(例如:Can you life me through the steps of the process?)- 在英语中,一些习惯用语和短语也包含了"life"这个词,比如"life-changing"(改变人生的)、"life expectancy"(预期寿命)等。总之,具体含义需要根据上下文来确定。