亲~您好 Hello everyone, this Sunday morning, the school will organize students to go to the cinema to watch a movie. Please gather at the school gate at (fill in the time). All students will take the school bus to the cinema. During the movie-watching process, everyone should be attentive and enjoy the film. Remember to share your thoughts and experience with your parents after the end.Class commissary(Fill in the date), 2020.
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-07-13
您好 。很荣幸为您解答,亲 亲~ 大家好。周日早上,学校将组织学生进行()活动。
亲~您好 有几个注意事项需要大家注意:1. 准时到达:请确保按照指定的时间到达指定地点,以免影响活动进程。2. 穿着合适:根据活动的性质和要求,选择适合的服装和鞋子,以确保能够自由舒适地参与其中。3. 带上必要物品:根据活动的具体要求,带上所需的物品,比如水壶、雨具、防晒用品等。4. 遵守规则:在活动过程中,请遵守组织者的规定和安排,确保安全和秩序。5. 注意安全:无论是进行户外活动还是室内活动,请注意自身安全,避免发生意外。
亲~您好 Hello everyone, this Sunday morning, the school will organize students to go to the cinema to watch a movie. Please gather at the school gate at (fill in the time). All students will take the school bus to the cinema. During the movie-watching process, everyone should be attentive and enjoy the film. Remember to share your thoughts and experience with your parents after the end.Class commissary(Fill in the date), 2020.