
摘要 In 2005, several of the centuries-old ponderosa pine trees on my 15 acres (0.06 sq km) of forest in the northern Rocky Mountains in Montana suddenly died. I soon discovered they were being brought down by mountain pine beetles, pernicious killers the size of the eraser on a pencil that burrow into the tree.2005年,在我所拥有的位于蒙大拿州(Montana)落基山脉(Rocky Mountains)北部面积约15英亩(0.06平方公里)的森林里,几棵有着数百年历史的黄松突然死亡。我很快发现,它们是被山松甲虫杀死的,这种致命的杀手只有铅笔一端的橡皮那么大,会在树上挖洞。The next year the number of dying trees grew exponenti
咨询记录 · 回答于2022-12-18
The genetic power of ancient trees古树之死:如何延续巨大古树的基因BBC Englishdailynews
In 2005, several of the centuries-old ponderosa pine trees on my 15 acres (0.06 sq km) of forest in the northern Rocky Mountains in Montana suddenly died. I soon discovered they were being brought down by mountain pine beetles, pernicious killers the size of the eraser on a pencil that burrow into the tree.2005年,在我所拥有的位于蒙大拿州(Montana)落基山脉(Rocky Mountains)北部面积约15英亩(0.06平方公里)的森林里,几棵有着数百年历史的黄松突然死亡。我很快发现,它们是被山松甲虫杀死的,这种致命的杀手只有铅笔一端的橡皮那么大,会在树上挖洞。The next year the number of dying trees grew exponenti
The next year the number of dying trees grew exponentially. I felt powerless and grief-stricken as I saw these giant, sky-scraping trees fading all around me, realising there was nothing I could do to stop it.第二年,死亡树木的数量呈级数增长。当看到这些巨大的、高耸入云的树木在我周围逐渐消失时,我感到无力和悲伤,我无法阻止它们消亡。
While the native bugs were the proximate cause, the underlying reason for the unprecedented mortality in my home state and throughout the Rockies was that winters had stopped getting really cold. When I first moved to Montana in the late 1970s, temperatures of -34C (-30F) or even below -40C (-40F) were common in winter, sometimes for weeks at a time. The coldest temperature on record in Montana is –57C (-70F). These days wintertime minimum temperatures rarely get below -18C (0F) or so. If they d
The experience of watching my forest die sparked in me a renewed interest in what was happening to trees, both in Montana and globally. I began a now two decade-long inquiry into the lives, and deaths, of trees and forests.眼看我的森林死去,这激发了我的兴趣,想弄清楚这些树木到底怎么了。在蒙大拿州和全球范围内,我开始了一项长达20年的调查,关于树木和森林的生与死。
Trees clean our water, affect our climate, provide wood for building and supply sources of food for us and many of the animals we eat. They even, somehow, seem to be connected to the stars. Yet we know astonishingly little about their role in our world.树木让我们的水源变得清洁,让气候变得宜人,为建筑提供木材,并为人类和人类食用的动物提供食物来源。它们甚至以某种方式与恒星有关。然而,令人惊讶的是,我们对它们的作用知之甚少。
We also lack knowledge about the genetics of trees: especially the effects on the gene pool of cutting down virtually all of the biggest, most robust trees for lumber over many centuries. And we are also mainly in the dark about how those trees that have survived will fare in a hotter and drier world.我们也缺乏关于树木基因的知识:尤其是几个世纪以来遭到砍伐的最大、最强壮的树木对基因库的影响。我们也不知道那些存活下来的树木在更热、更干燥的世界里会如何生存。
In the last few years, however, scientists have started to unpack the importance of ancient tree genetics, with mounting evidence showing they will play a critical role in the future of the Earth's forests. This research follows efforts by one group of tree enthusiasts to attempt to replicate and plant the largest of these giants to protect their ancient DNA in what they call "living libraries". It appears to be prescient.然而,在过去的几年里,科学家们开始研究古树基因的重要性,越来越多的证据表明,古树基因将对森林发挥关键作用。这项研究是在一群树木爱好者试图种植这些
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