
摘要 您好,很高兴为您解答学汉字遇到有趣的事是 我们都知道,汉字是中国的瑰宝,是我们的一种骄傲。但是如果不学好汉字,我们便会步步被错误引入无法自拔的歧途。这一种不良的'习惯,我也经常和它面碰面。  记得有一次作文课,老师要求我们写一篇《20年后会故乡》。  我马上开始构思,不等大脑工作停止,我就开始了一番“大作工程”。我一边挥舞这手上的笔,一边念念有词:“兵来将挡,作文来我淹!”(我擅自改词了,呵呵。)一番笔走龙蛇后,我满怀信心地把我一气呵成的“作品”交到了语文老师的手上。  老师看着看着,突然怔住了,眉头皱得像一团烂纸团:“丫丫,你怎么写的?你这个“闻读填”是什么意思?拿回去好好改改。”我伸头一看,原来我把“文读镇”写成可“文读填”。
咨询记录 · 回答于2022-09-27
您好,很高兴为您解答学汉字遇到有趣的事是 我们都知道,汉字是中国的瑰宝,是我们的一种骄傲。但是如果不学好汉字,我们便会步步被错误引入无法自拔的歧途。这一种不良的'习惯,我也经常和它面碰面。  记得有一次作文课,老师要求我们写一篇《20年后会故乡》。  我马上开始构思,不等大脑工作停止,我就开始了一番“大作工程”。我一边挥舞这手上的笔,一边念念有词:“兵来将挡,作文来我淹!”(我擅自改词了,呵呵。)一番笔走龙蛇后,我满怀信心地把我一气呵成的“作品”交到了语文老师的手上。  老师看着看着,突然怔住了,眉头皱得像一团烂纸团:“丫丫,你怎么写的?你这个“闻读填”是什么意思?拿回去好好改改。”我伸头一看,原来我把“文读镇”写成可“文读填”。
 当着众同学的面,我惭愧极了。接过老师递过来的作文本,慢慢回到了位置上,自言自语地说:“唉,这汉字还真得好好学啊,不然就会闹出笑话啦。”  以前我也曾经把“再”写成“在”,把“的”写成“地”,“垂头san气”的“san”我老是多写了一撇,总之,写过的错字举不胜举。  在学汉字上,大家显得有点懒散,比如把字写错,再比如把字写的歪歪扭扭,活像蚂蚁爬。尽管如此,汉字,依然是我们zui珍贵的,不亚于圆明园的历史瑰宝,因为它们像一个个小精灵,用一种奇特的魔法铸就了大家的心。  相信经过努力,我们一定可以把误写错误汉字的毛bing永远毁掉,让汉字永远流传在我们的大地上。
外国网友热论:当你第一次到中国时,你zui惊讶的是什么?原创2022-04-25 17:40·愚者路飞有的人说外国人特别是西方人看待咱们中国就像我们看待朝鲜一样;有人说外国人非常羡慕咱们中国的基础设施,比如高铁,5G,安全等;又有人说外国人对咱们的刻板印象是蒙古扁平脸,眯眯眼,不善言辞等。那么外国人究竟是怎么看待如今的中国的啦?让我带领大家一起来看看外国网友对咱们中国的评论吧。I was Born and raised in the United States, my first time to China was in 2016, shortly after I graduated from high school. Since I had studied Chinese for four years, as a gift for graduating my dad decided to take me on a two-week tour of China. To say that this trip was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my lifetime would not be an exaggeration. There were five things that were surprising to me when I visited China and that were entirely different than what the Western media had taught me:
China is a beautiful place. Growing up in the U.S., pretty much all you hear about China is how “ugly” it is. Before I went, I expected the skies everywhere to be dark and clouded, and the air to be difficult to breathe due to all the media coverage that the pollution in China receives. However, when I actually got to China, I was shocked at how beautiful it was. The skies were blue, the cities were clean, and the pollution seemed just as bad as in any other big city that I had visited in the U.S. Not only that, but there were some landscapes in China that were just absolutely stunning. I particularly remember being blown away by the beauty of the countryside views in Guilin.
Chinese people are very friendly. In the U.S., it is a common assumption that Chinese people are quite rude. My trip to China proved this assumption to be completely wrong. Every Chinese person that I met was extremely friendly, and they were always excited to approach us either to talk or to get their picture taken with us. It was like being a celebrity! Not only that, but everyone was always willing to try and speak English with us, and were very kind when I attempted to converse with them in Chinese.
In my honest opinion, many of the people I met in China were friendlier than many people back home. One person that stands out to me in particular was our rickshaw driver in Beijing. Even though he didn’t speak much English, he still tried to point out all of the sights of Beijing to us the best he could, and even though he had a hard job he always had a big smile on his face.
Authentic Chinese food is good. Back in the United States, it is commonly believed that the food eaten in China is weird, abnormal, and unappetizing. However, all of the food that I ate in China was delicious (my favorite food being from Chengdu), and I actually preferred it to the Chinese food that you can find in America. Yes, there are several cultural differences in the type of food that we eat, but that doesn’t mean that it is bad! While I did see some foods that surprised me, including ants and rats, this was mostly out in the countryside. To any foreigner traveling to China, I would recommend trying as many foods as possible, even if they are a bit out of your comfort zone like they were for me. It’s worth it!




