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Lotung is a seismically active region in the northeastern part of
Taiwan, and was the site of a strong motion Large-Scale Seismic
Test ~LSST! instrumentation system installed by the Electric
Power Research Institute, in cooperation with Taiwan Power
Company, for soil-structure interaction research. One of the instrumentation
arrays consisted of a set of downhole threecomponent
accelerometers extending to a depth of 47 m, known
as the downhole B ~DHB! array. The role of the DHB array is to
monitor free-field responses resulting from seismic activities at
the LSST site. On May 20, 1986, a M6.5 earthquake shook the
test site ~denoted as the LSST7 event!. This seismic event has
been investigated extensively by a number of researchers, and the
recordings of the DHB array have been analyzed and simulated
many times using different site response analysis codes ~Chang
et al. 1990; Lee and Finn 1992; Li et al. 1992; Pyke 1992; Borja
et al. 1999a, 2000!.
Soon after the LSST7 event, more than 20 pore pressure transducers
have been installed and synchronously wired to the accelerometer
arrays at the LSST site ~Shen et al. 1989!. These sensors
served to monitor seismically-induced pore pressure activities at
the test site, and were embedded at depths varying from 3 to 16 m
where the soils are known to be fluid-rich and potentially liquefiable.
Two more major earthquakes shook the test site later that
same year, a M6.2 earthquake on July 30 ~LSST12 event! and a
M7.0 earthquake on November 30 ~LSST16 event!. In both
events, the measured excess pore pressures were in the order of
about 25% of the initial vertical effective stress, by no means
insignificant but still well below the level necessary to cause liquefaction
~Li et al. 1998!. The objective of the present paper is to
analyze the recorded free-field responses generated by the latter
two earthquakes using two site response analysis codes that employ
a total stress formulation. In a separate work ~Lin and Borja
2000!, an alternative modeling approach based on effective
stresses is used to predict the excess pore pressures that developed
at the test site.
A number of site response analysis codes have been developed
in the past to simulate the effects of soil condition on strong
ground motion ~Schnabel et al. 1972; Lee and Finn 1991; Li et al.
1992; Pyke, 1992; Borja et al. 1999a!. A comparison of the predictive
capabilities of some of these codes is presented in an
Electric Power Research Institute ~EPRI! Report ~Electric 1993!.
Recently, Borja et al. ~2000! compared five different site response
analysis codes in terms of how accurately they predicted the
ground responses resulting from the LSST7 event. 展开
Lotung is a seismically active region in the northeastern part of
Taiwan, and was the site of a strong motion Large-Scale Seismic
Test ~LSST! instrumentation system installed by the Electric
Power Research Institute, in cooperation with Taiwan Power
Company, for soil-structure interaction research. One of the instrumentation
arrays consisted of a set of downhole threecomponent
accelerometers extending to a depth of 47 m, known
as the downhole B ~DHB! array. The role of the DHB array is to
monitor free-field responses resulting from seismic activities at
the LSST site. On May 20, 1986, a M6.5 earthquake shook the
test site ~denoted as the LSST7 event!. This seismic event has
been investigated extensively by a number of researchers, and the
recordings of the DHB array have been analyzed and simulated
many times using different site response analysis codes ~Chang
et al. 1990; Lee and Finn 1992; Li et al. 1992; Pyke 1992; Borja
et al. 1999a, 2000!.
Soon after the LSST7 event, more than 20 pore pressure transducers
have been installed and synchronously wired to the accelerometer
arrays at the LSST site ~Shen et al. 1989!. These sensors
served to monitor seismically-induced pore pressure activities at
the test site, and were embedded at depths varying from 3 to 16 m
where the soils are known to be fluid-rich and potentially liquefiable.
Two more major earthquakes shook the test site later that
same year, a M6.2 earthquake on July 30 ~LSST12 event! and a
M7.0 earthquake on November 30 ~LSST16 event!. In both
events, the measured excess pore pressures were in the order of
about 25% of the initial vertical effective stress, by no means
insignificant but still well below the level necessary to cause liquefaction
~Li et al. 1998!. The objective of the present paper is to
analyze the recorded free-field responses generated by the latter
two earthquakes using two site response analysis codes that employ
a total stress formulation. In a separate work ~Lin and Borja
2000!, an alternative modeling approach based on effective
stresses is used to predict the excess pore pressures that developed
at the test site.
A number of site response analysis codes have been developed
in the past to simulate the effects of soil condition on strong
ground motion ~Schnabel et al. 1972; Lee and Finn 1991; Li et al.
1992; Pyke, 1992; Borja et al. 1999a!. A comparison of the predictive
capabilities of some of these codes is presented in an
Electric Power Research Institute ~EPRI! Report ~Electric 1993!.
Recently, Borja et al. ~2000! compared five different site response
analysis codes in terms of how accurately they predicted the
ground responses resulting from the LSST7 event. 展开
罗东大比例尺模型震测试验 (Large Scale Seismic Test)
1/4比例尺模型之外观为平顶圆柱体,半径为5.41公尺,高14.55公尺,壁厚约30.48公分。围绕此模型60公尺范围内,沿北向(ARM1)及向二侧各间隔120度之方向(ARM2,ARM3)分别装设五个FBA-13加速度地震仪,用以侦侧模型周围地表加速度之变化情形;同时在北边(ARM-1)之最近和最远 的二个测点附近各装设二组井下地震仪,每组包含四个不同深度之FBA-13DH井下加速度地震仪,以收录不同位置不同深度之强震 加速度地动历时记录;同时为观测结构体及内部设备物受地震力之反应,亦在结构体内壁顶部及底部东、西、南、北向各装设一部FBA-13加速度地震仪,蒸气产生器之顶部及底部亦各装设一部FBA-13加速度地震仪。当地震发生时,藉助上述不同位置的仪器所收录之振动历时记录,即可探讨地震力自土层经结构体而至内部系统之连续变化,研究土壤与结构物之互制作用。
1/4比例尺模型之外观为平顶圆柱体,半径为5.41公尺,高14.55公尺,壁厚约30.48公分。围绕此模型60公尺范围内,沿北向(ARM1)及向二侧各间隔120度之方向(ARM2,ARM3)分别装设五个FBA-13加速度地震仪,用以侦侧模型周围地表加速度之变化情形;同时在北边(ARM-1)之最近和最远 的二个测点附近各装设二组井下地震仪,每组包含四个不同深度之FBA-13DH井下加速度地震仪,以收录不同位置不同深度之强震 加速度地动历时记录;同时为观测结构体及内部设备物受地震力之反应,亦在结构体内壁顶部及底部东、西、南、北向各装设一部FBA-13加速度地震仪,蒸气产生器之顶部及底部亦各装设一部FBA-13加速度地震仪。当地震发生时,藉助上述不同位置的仪器所收录之振动历时记录,即可探讨地震力自土层经结构体而至内部系统之连续变化,研究土壤与结构物之互制作用。