
摘要 5.1 Introduction
Conventional machining is the group of machining operations that use single- or
multi-point tools to remove material in the form of chips. Metal cutting involves removing metal through machining operations. Machining traditionally takes place on lathes, drill presses, and milling machines with the use of various cutting tools. Most machining has very low set-up cost compared with forming, molding. and casting processes. However, machining is much more expensive for high volumes. Machining is necessary where tight tolerances on dimensions and finishes are required.
咨询记录 · 回答于2022-05-22
5.1 IntroductionConventional machining is the group of machining operations that use single- ormulti-point tools to remove material in the form of chips. Metal cutting involves removing metal through machining operations. Machining traditionally takes place on lathes, drill presses, and milling machines with the use of various cutting tools. Most machining has very low set-up cost compared with forming, molding. and casting processes. However, machining is much more expensive for high volumes. Machining is necessary where tight tolerances on dimensions and finishes are required.5.1译文传统机械加工是一组利用单刃或者多刃刀具以切屑形式去除材料的加工方式。金属切削意味着通过机械加工去除金属。传统的机械加工都是利用不同的刀具在车床、钻床和铣床上进行的。与成型加工、锻压和铸造工艺相比,大多数机械加工的生产准备成本都较低,然而如果是大批量生产,其成本要高得多。当对零件的尺寸公差和光洁度要求较高时,机械加工是很有必要的。
Boring and intermnal turning. Boring and internal turming are performed on the intemal surfaces by a boring bar or suitable intemal cutting tools. If the initial workpicce is solid, a drilling operation must be performed first. The drilling tool is held in the tailstock, and the latter is then fed against the workpicce. When boring is done in a lathe, the work usually is held in a chuck or on a face plate. Holes may be bored straight, tapered. or to irregular contours. Boring is essentially intermal turning while feeding the tool parallel to the rotation axis of the workpicce.译文:利用镗杆或合适的内圆车刀可以进行镗削和车内圆。如果工件毛坯是实心的,首先要钻孔。钻头安装在尾架上,后者向工件进给。如果在车床上进行镗削加工,工件通常装夹在卡盘或者花盘上。镗出的孔可以是直孔、锥孔或者不规则轮廓。当将刀具沿工件的回转轴线平行进给时,镗削实际上就是车内圆。
除了车削,还有另外几种加工操作都可以在车床上进行。Boring and intermnal turning. Boring and internal turming are performed on the intemal surfaces by a boring bar or suitable intemal cutting tools. If the initial workpicce is solid, a drilling operation must be performed first. The drilling tool is held in the tailstock, and the latter is then fed against the workpicce. When boring is done in a lathe, the work usually is held in a chuck or on a face plate. Holes may be bored straight, tapered. or to irregular contours. Boring is essentially intermal turning while feeding the tool parallel to the rotation axis of the workpicce.译文:利用镗杆或合适的内圆车刀可以进行镗削和车内圆。如果工件毛坯是实心的,首先要钻孔。钻头安装在尾架上,后者向工件进给。如果在车床上进行镗削加工,工件通常装夹在卡盘或者花盘上。镗出的孔可以是直孔、锥孔或者不规则轮廓。当将刀具沿工件的回转轴线平行进给时,镗削实际上就是车内圆。




