
摘要 你好,六人英语情景对话,四分钟左右,题材不限
注:人物E 是没有多少台词的。
On The Way Home回家的路上
Six high school students are walking on their way home, talking, laughing,...
A: hey, guys, what are you going to do when you get home?
B: I'm going to watch the soccer game replay. My parents won't let me watch during the day.
C: I'm just going to relax and maybe do some homework. I have a lot of tests this week.
D: I'm meeting up with my friends to go to the park and play some Frisbee.
E: (silent)
F: I'm not sure yet. Maybe go to the library to study or just stay home and read a book.
A: Well, whatever you do, just don't stay up too late. We have school tomorrow.
咨询记录 · 回答于2024-01-11
--- **六人英语情景对话** **时长:四分钟** **人物:A、B、C、D、E、F(E台词较少)** --- **场景:回家的路上** --- A: Hey, guys, what are you going to do when you get home? B: I'm going to watch the soccer game replay. My parents won't let me watch during the day. C: I'm just going to grab a quick bite to eat. My mom's cooking is always so good! D: I think I'll just go straight to my room and relax. I have a lot of homework to catch up on. E: (Quietly) I'm just going to see my grandparents. They're always so happy to see me. F: I'm meeting up with my friends to play some video games. You guys want to come? A: Nah, we're already doing something. But thanks for the invite! B: Video games are so much fun! Maybe next time, okay? C: Nah, I think I'll just head home and relax too. It's been a long day! D: Yeah, I have to get my homework done. But maybe we can all meet up later? ---
1. 我要看足球重播。我爸妈不让我大清早起来看。我还在生他们的气呢。 2. All:(sing) If you're mad and you know it stamp your feet. (everybody stamps his feet) 大伙(唱) 如果你知道你生气你就跺跺你的脚(跺脚) 3. C:I think I'm going to get something to eat first. I'm so hungry. 我一回家就要找吃的。饿死我了。 4. ALL:(Sing) If you're hungry and you know it touch your tummy, mmm... (everybody toches his tummy) 大伙(唱)如果你知道你饿了你就摸摸你的肚皮(摸肚皮) 5. A:(to D) what about you? A(对D说) 你呢? 6. D:(pretend to yawn) D:(假装打哈欠)
I can't wait to lie down on my sofa. I'm so sleepy. (yawn again) D: (装打哈欠) 我恨不得马上躺在沙发上. 真困! (打哈欠) All except E: (sing) If you're sleepy and you know it, take a nap (pretend to take a nap while yawning) 大伙E除外: (唱) 如果你知道你困了你就打个盹 (打盹) All of a sudden, A realizes E is nowhere to be found. A: (to F) E, where is E? F: I have no idea. He was with us one minute ago. Everybody turns around
I can't wait to lie down on my sofa. I'm so sleepy. (yawn again) D: (装打哈欠) 我恨不得马上躺在沙发上。真困!(打哈欠) All except E: (sing) If you're sleepy and you know it, take a nap (pretend to take a nap while yawning). All of a sudden, A realizes E is nowhere to be found. A: (to F) E, where is he? F: I have no idea. He was with us one minute ago. Everybody turns around.
寻找E: 大伙四处寻找EB: - Look! There he is! (pointing) 在那!他在那!(手指远处) C: - Oh oh, he is with a stray dog. 不好了,他和一个流浪狗在一起。 D: - I know he likes dogs. 他喜欢狗。 F: - But that dog looks mean. 但那狗样子很凶唉。 A: - We’d better tell him to stay away from that mean looking dog. 我们快叫他别理那狗。 Everybody: (shouting) E! Come back! Come Back! 大伙(大声叫)E!回来!回来! B: - Oh my god! He is bleeding! 天啊!他流血了! D: - The dog bit him! 他被狗咬了!
快叫救护车! All: help! Help! 有人被狗咬了!有人被狗咬了! They can not find any help nearby. 附近没有人。 B: Let me carry him to the hospital. 我背他去医院吧! All: let’s go! 走! B picks up E and carries him on his back. B 背起E。 They go to the hospital. 他们朝医院走去。 The End 剧终
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