"Snow White" is a fairy-tale masterpiece that has been through numerous revisions. With its complicated and perfect narrative, it is considered a classic work in fairy-tale literature.
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-02-04
"Snow White" is a fairy-tale masterpiece that has been through numerous revisions. With its complicated and perfect narrative, it is considered a classic work in fairy-tale literature.
The story tells the wonderful adventure of Snow White who was trapped by her wicked stepmother and living in the woods. With the courageous and kind dwarves, a talking deer, a kind grandmother, and a prince dressed in purple clothes, they went through all the difficulties and showed their tenacity and determination. Finally, in the vast mountains and lakes, Snow White and the prince step by step towards the happiness on the other side.
"Snow White" is undoubtedly one of my favorite fairy tales and always a treasure in my heart. It not only paints a perfect fairy tale romance, but also contains people's treasuring of traditional values, full of admiration for courage, strength and intelligence.