英语作文Directions:This part is to test your abilityto do practical writing.You are required to complete a MEMO according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:根据所给信息完成以下备忘录。送达:全体员工发自:经理主要内容:关于奖金发件日期:2021年6月14日内容:1.公司去年取得很大业绩。2.每位员工下月将收到奖金$500,与下月工资一起发放。3.希望大家继续努力工作,为公司发展做出新的贡献。4.祝愿公司明年取得更大成绩。Words forreferences签名:Joan BlackburnWords for reference奖金:bonus业绩:achievement做贡献make contributions

I am writing this letter to ask for information about Entry to Central college. I really appreciate your help if you could send me an admission form and a catalog of Central College, Office of the Registration.
I have been long dreaming of becoming a biologist in my career. Therefore, I am really looking forward a chance to visiting the laboratory in Central College. Please inform me whether I am
咨询记录 · 回答于2022-03-11
英语作文Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to complete a MEMO according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:根据所给信息完成以下备忘录。送达:全体员工发自:经理主要内容:关于奖金发件日期:2021年6月14日内容:1.公司去年取得很大业绩。2.每位员工下月将收到奖金$500,与下月工资一起发放。3.希望大家继续努力工作,为公司发展做出新的贡献。4.祝愿公司明年取得更大成绩。Words forreferences签名:Joan BlackburnWords for reference奖金:bonus业绩:achievement做贡献make contributions
I am writing this letter to ask for information about Entry to Central college. I really appreciate your help if you could send me an admission form and a catalog of Central College, Office of the Registration.I have been long dreaming of becoming a biologist in my career. Therefore, I am really looking forward a chance to visiting the laboratory in Central College. Please inform me whether I am
Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a Letter of Price Adjustment according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet.