亲,您好以下是一些经典的芭蕾舞语句:1. "Dancing is creating a sculpture that is visible only for a moment." - Erol Ozan(跳舞就像创造一个雕塑,只有一瞬间才能看到)2. "Ballet is not just movement, it's an art form that requires ultimate discipline and dedication." - Misty Copeland(芭蕾舞不仅仅是动作,它需要最终的纪律和投入)3. "The ballet is a purely female thing; it is a woman, a garden of beautiful flowers, and man is the gardener." - George Balanchine(芭蕾舞完全是女性的事情,她是一个女人,一座美丽的花园,而男人则是园丁。)
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-04-23
亲,您好以下是一些经典的芭蕾舞语句:1. "Dancing is creating a sculpture that is visible only for a moment." - Erol Ozan(跳舞就像创造一个雕塑,只有一瞬间才能看到)2. "Ballet is not just movement, it's an art form that requires ultimate discipline and dedication." - Misty Copeland(芭蕾舞不仅仅是动作,它需要最终的纪律和投入)3. "The ballet is a purely female thing; it is a woman, a garden of beautiful flowers, and man is the gardener." - George Balanchine(芭蕾舞完全是女性的事情,她是一个女人,一座美丽的花园,而男人则是园丁。)
4."Technique should be a means to an end, not the end itself. Technique exists only to support the magic of the performer." - Paul Taylor (技巧应该成为达到目的的工具,而不是目的本身。技巧只存在于支撑表演者魔力的背后。)5.“Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.” - Martha Graham (伟大的舞者之所以伟大,并不是因为他们的技术,而是因为他们对舞蹈有着深深的热情。)