i think teenages should do housework. firstly, parents are usually busy with their work. children should be responsible for their family and they should help their parents reduce their housework. secondly, it is good for their health.when they do housework, such as, cleaning the house, sweeping the yard and so on. it is a kind of exercise,too. thirdly, it can help them relaxing. when they are tired of doing their homework, they can do some housework to make their brain relax
咨询记录 · 回答于2021-11-03
i think teenages should do housework. firstly, parents are usually busy with their work. children should be responsible for their family and they should help their parents reduce their housework. secondly, it is good for their health.when they do housework, such as, cleaning the house, sweeping the yard and so on. it is a kind of exercise,too. thirdly, it can help them relaxing. when they are tired of doing their homework, they can do some housework to make their brain relax