
您好!解答如下:一般疑问句为:Do you draw a picture in the morning ?
咨询记录 · 回答于2022-07-15
您好!解答如下:一般疑问句为:Do you draw a picture in the morning ?
做法解析:您好!原句为陈述句,我在早上画了一幅画。一般疑问句为:你在早上画了一幅画吗?因为有draw 动词,所以要使用do 来做一般疑问句引导词。
亲,回复如下:一般疑问句为Do you draw a picture in the morning ?
Do you draw a picture in the morning ?picture画横线怎么改为特殊疑问句?
您好!回复如下:特殊疑问句What do you do in the morning ?
Do you draw a picture in the morning ?in the morning 画横线怎么改为特殊疑问句?
您好!回复如下:特殊疑问句When do you draw a picture ?
We solve the problem on this way怎么改为一般疑问句?
您好!回复如下:一般疑问句为Do you solve the problem on this way ?
We solve the problem on this way怎么改为特殊疑问句?My dog finds a fish can in the kitchen怎么改为一般疑问句?
您好!解答如下:特殊疑问句What do you do on this way ?一般疑问句Does your dog find a fish can in the kitchen ?
My dog finds a fish can in the kitchen。 My画线怎么改为特殊疑问句?fish can 画横线怎么改为特殊疑问句?in the kitchen 划痕线怎么改为特殊疑问句?
您好!回复如下:特殊疑问句Whose dog does find a fish can in the kitchen ?特殊疑问句What does your dog can in the kitchen ?特殊疑问句Where does your dog find a fish can ?