第三人称单数:looks 复数:looks 现在分词:looking 过去式:looked 过去分词:looked 双语例句:1、Well, what do you know? Look who's here! 唷,真想不到!你看谁来啦!
2、Look at the time! We'll be late. 看几点了!我们要迟到了。
3、I don't like the way he's looking at me. 我讨厌他看着我的样子。
4、Make sure you get a good look at their faces. 你一定要仔细看清他们的面孔。
5、We need to look to ways of improving our marketing. 我们得考虑改进营销方法。
6、At one stage it looked as though they would win. 有一段时间,他们好像大有获胜的希望。
7、We're looking around for a house in this area. 我们正在这个地区四处找住房。
8、Look at the time ─ it's much later than I thought.看看时间吧,比我想象的要晚多了。
9、What will the cities of the future look like? 未来的城市会是什么样子呢?
10、Do look me up the next time you're in London. 你下次到伦敦,一定要来看我。
11、She looks down on people who haven't been to college. 她瞧不起没上过大学的人。
12、A working party has been set up to look into the problem. 已成立一个工作小组来调查这个问题。
13、Look, I think we should go now. 喂,我想我们现在得走了。
14、You should look out for yourself from now on. 从现在起你应该多为自己着想。
15、Turn around and let me look at your back. 转过身去让我看看你的后背。