I'm sorry, I've made you sad again and again, but
扩展 越南语构词的主要特点是每一个音节常常是一个有意义的单位,可以独立使用;这些单位又可作为构成多音节词的基础。绝大部分多音节词是双音节。在殖民主义统治时期进入越南语的法语借词(主要是科技词语)继续保持其原有的音节。在2000多年的历史发展过程中,越南语从古汉语和现代汉语不断地直接借用或改造使用大量词语。越南语中的汉语借词占相当大的比重。
咨询记录 · 回答于2022-08-26
I hope you can forgive me是什么意思?
I hope you can forgive me是什么意思?
I didn't treasure it
I know there aren't many people like you
I'm sorry, I've made you sad again and again, but you can't forget me
还有这个是什么意思Anh nhớ em.Anh nhớ em.
I hope you can forgive me是什么意思?
I didn't treasure it
I know there aren't many people like you
I'm sorry, I've made you sad again and again, but you can't forget me
I hope you can forgive me是什么意思?
I didn't treasure it
I know there aren't many people like you
I'm sorry, I've made you sad again and again, but you can't forget me
I hope you can forgive me是什么意思?
I didn't treasure it
I know there aren't many people like you
I'm sorry, I've made you sad again and again, but you can't forget me
I hope you can forgive me是什么意思?
I didn't treasure it
I know there aren't many people like you
I'm sorry, I've made you sad again and again, but you can't forget me