pay attention to后面加什么

咨询记录 · 回答于2023-06-12
pay attention to后面加什么
您好亲~据我所知"Pay attention to" 后面可以加一个名词、代词、动名词或从句,表示需要注意的事物或情况。比如以下几点:1. - Pay attention to your surroundings when walking alone at night.(晚上独自行走时要注意周围环境。)2. - Please pay attention to what I'm saying.(请注意听我说的话。)3. - He needs to pay attention to his diet and exercise if he wants to lose weight.(如果他想减肥,就需要注意饮食和锻炼。)4. - You should pay attention to whether the instructions are clear or not.(你应该注意指示是否清晰。)