
摘要 亲亲,很高兴为你解答哦,根据你的作文题目,我给你写好了半篇作文Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing this letter to recommend Ms. Zhang Hua, who is interested in teaching English in a foreign language school. As a professor in Open University, I have known Ms. Zhang for several years, and I can say with confidence that she possesses all the necessary qualities to be an excellent English teacher.Ms. Zhang has a vivacious personality and a wide range of interests, which makes her a very engaging and enthusiastic educator. She also has a strong sense of responsibility and commitment, and consistently exhibits proficiency in professional knowledge and technical skills.
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-06-04
张华想申请到外国语学校做英语老 师,作为开放大学的教授李明,你想给她写一封推荐信。 内容包括:张华个性活泼、兴趣广泛,有很强的责任心,有很扎实的专业知识和技支能。在两个月的毕业教学实习中表现优秀,她注重激发学生的想象力和求知欲,有自己的教学风格,她的课非常有趣,深受学生欢迎词汇与线
亲亲,很高兴为你解答哦,根据你的作文题目,我给你写好了半篇作文Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing this letter to recommend Ms. Zhang Hua, who is interested in teaching English in a foreign language school. As a professor in Open University, I have known Ms. Zhang for several years, and I can say with confidence that she possesses all the necessary qualities to be an excellent English teacher.Ms. Zhang has a vivacious personality and a wide range of interests, which makes her a very engaging and enthusiastic educator. She also has a strong sense of responsibility and commitment, and consistently exhibits proficiency in professional knowledge and technical skills.
亲亲,很高兴为你解答哦,根据你的作文题目,我给你写好了下半篇作文During her two-month graduation teaching internship, Ms. Zhang demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities in the delivery of her lessons. She was able to create an engaging, interactive classroom environment that encouraged student participation and learning. Moreover, she has her unique teaching style that revolves around inspiring the students’ curiosity and questioning spirit, which makes her classes both entertaining and informative.In conclusion, I highly recommend Ms. Zhang for the English teaching position. Her skills, work ethic, teaching philosophy, and dynamic personality would surely make a positive impact on the students and the school community.Sincerely,Professor Li Ming




