
摘要 第一节(满分15分)
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-12-26
**Section 1 (Max Score: 15)** Last Sunday, a 5km cross-country running race was held at our school. The event was open to all students and staff, creating an inclusive environment that encouraged everyone to participate. The race began at the school gate and wound its way through the scenic trails leading to the base of Nanshan Mountain. The feedback from participants has been nothing short of positive. Acclamations were heard all around for the event's organization and the breathtaking scenery. The race not only tested the endurance of the runners, but also provided a unique opportunity to appreciate nature while engaging in a healthy activity. In conclusion, the cross-country running race was a resounding success, paving the way for more exciting events in the future.
With the purpose of improving students’ fitness, our school launched the 5-kilometer cross-country race, which finished successfully last Sunday. The race, which was held on the pavements beside the running route from the school gate to the foot of South Hill, attracted a large number of students from different classes and grades. The players attended the race vigorously, and the competition was fierce.
"The auditorium was filled with students and teachers who cheered and applauded loudly for the players. Despite being tired and exhausted, the players viewed this competition as a valuable opportunity to improve their physical fitness."
学校举行作文比赛 题目:你身边敬爱或爱戴的人 参赛短文: 在我们身边有许多令人敬仰的人,比如我们的父母、老师、警察等等。但我最敬仰的人是清洁工。清洁工每天默默无闻地辛勤工作,保持我们的城市干净美丽。他们在炎炎夏日或寒冷冬季,当我们在睡梦中时,他们早已起床开始工作。 结尾:让我们向这些辛勤的清洁工表示敬意,他们是我们城市的美容师,也是我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。
他们不仅为自己工作,还为我们、为我们的城市付出。有时,我们会觉得他们很脏,不愿意接近他们。这是不正确的。他们通过辛勤工作,保持了环境的清洁。 在我们身边,有许多令人敬佩的人,比如我们的父母、老师、警察等。然而,我最敬佩的人是清洁工。他们每天默默地工作,让城市保持干净、美丽。无论是酷暑还是寒冬,当我们在熟睡时,他们却早早起床开始工作。
2020年高考英语作文范文1 我有一位名叫刘老师的英语老师,他今年58岁了。刘老师不仅幽默风趣,而且有责任心,为人无私,所以我非常尊敬和喜爱他。 坦率地说,他的帮助对我影响深远。是刘老师让我认识到了学好英语的重要性。如果没有他的指导和鼓励,我不可能在全市英语演讲比赛中获得第一名。
Without his aid, I wouldn't have boosted my integrated skills in English. I'll definitely remember his kindness and help forever.Mr. Liu is a very respectable teacher indeed! I do thank him for what he did for me. (111 words)
2020高考英语作文范文2The person I respectWe have a lot of respectable people around us. They may be our teachers, parents or one of our elders. As for me, my father is the person I respect most. My father is a teacher who loves his work and his students very much. He works very hard every day but he will also spare some time to accompany me and share many funny things with me about his work.
When I come across the problems of learning in my study, my father will listen to me patiently and encourage me to overcome the difficulties bravely. He achieved a lot in his work, respected by his students. So, in my mind my father is the person I respect most and I love him deeply.
# 2020高考英语作文范文3 **The People I Respect the Most** My father is the man I respect most. Stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration. Once, I broke a neighbor's window. Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately.
When dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened. i could only tell him the truth. rather than scold me, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor. i learned from this episode that not only does dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizens. how lucky i am to have such a good father!
我父亲是我最尊敬的人。虽然他可能严厉了一点,但他无时无刻不表现出他的关心和体贴。 有一次,我打破邻居窗户的玻璃。因为看到附近没有人在场,我立刻就跑掉。 当父亲回家时,他注意到我的不安,因而询问我发生了什么事。我只好告诉他实话。 他不但没责骂我,反而称赞我的诚实,并鼓励我向邻居道歉。 从这件事我就了解到,父亲不仅照顾我们的健康,他也教导我们如何成为好公民。 我有这样一位好父亲真是太幸运了!
2020高考英语作文范文4 The Person I Respect There are a lot of people around us. Every one of them deserves respect in different ways. But today I want to tell you something about my grandma. Old as she is, she stays characteristically strong and cheerful. She is the kind that will never miss her regular ‘ladies’ brunches’ with her friends, and she was traveling multiple times a year in her 70s, and even
took a trip abroad without knowing a word of English. She' s popular with the neighbors since she is always supportive of other people and makes time for them when they need help. This is my grandma, a person I love and respect deeply.
2020高考英语作文范文5 我最尊敬的人是我的父亲。他是一名医生。他总是忙于工作。自打我记事起,他从未陪我度过一个完整的周末。他总是早早地赶去医院,等我睡下后才回家。但我对此并不介意,因为在我心中,他就是英雄。他几乎所有的时间都献给了他的病人,救了很多人的命。
我最尊敬的人是我的父亲。他是一名医生,工作非常忙碌。从我有记忆以来,他从未陪我度过一个完整的周末。每天在我起床之前,他就已经去医院了,等我睡着了他才回来。但是,我从未介意过这些,因为在我的心目中,他是一位英雄。他把几乎所有的时间都献给了他的病人,使很多人的生命得以延续。 父亲曾对我说:“一个男人应该有尊严、正直、荣誉,但最重要的是要帮助他人。”这句话深深地影响了我。我努力工作,就是为了有朝一日能够成为像我父亲一样的男人。




