
摘要 Dear Tony,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to provide you with some information about my family and our living arrangements before your arrival.
First of all, let me introduce our housing conditions. We live in a cozy two-story house located in a quiet residential area. Your room will be on the second floor, and it is furnished with a comfortable bed, a study desk, and ample storage space for your belongings. The house is equipped with modern amenities such as central heating, air conditioning, and high-speed internet access. I believe you will find it comfortable and suitable for your stay.
As for transportation, our neighborhood is well-connected. There is a bus stop just a five-minute walk from our house, which provides easy access to the city center and various attractions. Additionally, there are several bicycle lanes nearby if you prefer cycling. I can also provide you with information on local transportation options, including train schedules and taxi services.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
咨询记录 · 回答于2024-01-18
Dear Tony, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to provide you with some information about my family and our living arrangements before your arrival. First of all, let me introduce our housing conditions. We live in a cozy two-story house located in a quiet residential area. Your room will be on the second floor, and it is furnished with a comfortable bed, a study desk, and ample storage space for your belongings. The house is equipped with modern amenities such as central heating, air conditioning, and high-speed internet access. I believe you will find it comfortable and suitable for your stay. As for transportation, our neighborhood is well-connected. There is a bus stop just a five-minute walk from our house, which provides easy access to the city center and various attractions. Additionally, there are several bicycle lanes nearby if you prefer cycling. I can also provide you with information on local transportation options, including train schedules and taxi services.
语言交流方面,我的家庭成员都精通英语。我的父母都是英语教师,因此他们熟练掌握这门语言。如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请随时用英语与他们交流。他们非常友好,并热切希望您在这里过得舒适愉快。 我希望这次介绍能让您对我们家的生活条件有更清晰的了解。我们热切期待您的到来,为您在留学期间提供愉快而难忘的体验。如果您有任何进一步的问题或特殊要求,请随时告诉我。期待尽快与您相见! 此致 敬礼 李华
亲爱的Tony: 希望你一切都好。我写信是为了在你到来之前,给你提供一些关于我家庭和我们的居住环境的信息。 首先,让我介绍一下我们的住房条件。我们住在一个舒适的两层楼房里,位于一个安静的住宅区。你的房间在二楼,里面有一张舒适的床、一个书桌和足够的存储空间供你使用。 房子配备了现代化设施,如中央供暖、空调和高速互联网接入。我相信你会觉得这里舒适而适合居住。 至于交通情况,我们的社区交通便利。离我们家只有五分钟步行路程就有一个公交车站,可以方便地去往市中心和各个景点。此外,附近还有几条自行车道,如果你喜欢骑自行车也很方便。我还可以为你提供关于当地交通选择的信息,包括火车时刻表和出租车服务,帮助你在该地区周边出行。 在语言沟通方面,我的家人都能流利地说英语。我的父母都是英语教师,因此他们对这门语言有很好的掌握。如果你有任何问题或需要帮助,可以用英语与他们交流。他们非常友好,渴望让你的居住体验舒适和愉快。 希望这次介绍让你对我们的居住条件有了清晰的了解。我们非常期待欢迎你来到我们家,并在你的留学期间为你提供愉快和难忘的经历。 如果你有任何进一步的问题或特殊需求,请不要犹豫告诉我。期待与你的见面! 最诚挚的问候, 李华




