
咨询记录 · 回答于2023-03-04
Day 1: Today, I saw a tiny butterfly egg on a leaf. It was no bigger than the head of a pin. I'm excited to watch it grow.Day 5: The egg hatched, and a tiny caterpillar appeared. It was so small that I almost didn't see it. It's fascinating how something so small can grow into a beautiful butterfly.Day 10: The caterpillar has grown so much that it's hard to believe it's the same tiny creature I saw a few days ago. It's now covered in tiny hairs and has a voracious appetite.Day 15: The caterpillar has transformed into a chrysalis. It's amazing how it's wrapped itself in a silk cocoon. It looks so peaceful and still.Day 20: I woke up this morning to find that the chrysalis had opened, and a butterfly had emerged. It was still wet and delicate, but it was beautiful. It's hard to believe that it was once a tiny egg.Day 25: The butterfly has grown stronger and more beautiful every day. Its wings are a brilliant shade of blue and orange. It's now ready to take flight an