《Those First 25 Years》
No one said it would be easy.Forever never is
And through all our ups and downs we raised two great kids
And love is why I stayed
And it’s why I’m standing here
And I wouldn’t change one single day
Of those first 25 years
You were there to hold me on cold rainy days
You stood right beside me every step along the way
And as I hold you now
It’s never been more clear
咨询记录 · 回答于2021-10-22
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我觉得有可能是这首歌:《Those First 25 Years》歌词如下: No one said it would be easy.Forever never is And through all our ups and downs we raised two great kids And love is why I stayed And it’s why I’m standing here And I wouldn’t change one single day Of those first 25 years You were there to hold me on cold rainy days You stood right beside me every step along the way And as I hold you now It’s never been more clear
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