答:At the age of five, my father bought me a beautiful piano as my birthday present with the money they had saved for a long time.当我还是个孩子,我被吸引住了在屏幕上钢琴的优美旋律。当时,我就梦想成为一名钢琴家,有自己的钢琴。at the same time, my father found a piano teacher ...
2021-06-22 回答者: 心的舞台8888 3个回答 5
一篇关于钢琴的英语作文 要求用上关键词:enrich ,the power of...
问:写一篇关于弹钢琴的英语作文 要求用上关键词:enrich ,the power of ,...
答:I love playing the piano because when I hear the beautiful sounds of piano I feel relaxed.I stared learning since I was eight,it has been five years now.Although sometime I meet difficults,I never give up and try my best to deal the problem.Today I still keep learning playi...
2015-09-23 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 2
答:Say to the hobby, everyone relish, I have no exception, my hobby is playing the piano. Music is a kind of my feelings, whenever I plays piano, all of the worries vanished, a joy from the bottom of the waves of passion in my mind, it makes me deeply intoxicated, brain c...
2014-12-01 回答者: Adam_Fjc 1个回答 3
问:高中英语作文,关于音乐回信,向好友介绍自己的music hobby。要求体现wh...
答:My Favourite Music Nowadays more and more people like music,and generally speaking,different people like different music.Some like pop music,such as the songs sung by HK singer.Some like Jazz,and others like classical music.As far as I am concerned,of all music,I like Soul music...
2018-03-16 回答者: 心情好3666 2个回答 7
答:23 years old this year.I have graduation from collage for three years.I am good at singing,dancing,and I can play the piano well.I think children are vrey cute and clever,I really love kids.I can play with then to.And I can also speak English.I want to be a music ...
2012-03-16 回答者: 乖巧的流星雨 3个回答 4
答:Music is the soul of mankind, since the creation of the music, the soul of a person has a dependence on. In the depths of the soul, there is a lot of hidden secret, only music, can arouse the deep water of the ripples. Music is a key that opens the way to a dream,...
2015-11-29 回答者: 巨蟹座丿蒙蒙灬 1个回答 2
答:例文:英语作文:电视的好处 你把里面稍微修改一下,意思差不多,把watching TV改成music也行 The Advantages of Watching TV First of all, watching TV is good relaxation. After a day of hard work, we look forward to good relaxation. Watching TV can meet our requirements by easing our ...
2010-12-12 回答者: zdy5541180 3个回答 3
答:Music is an important part of the Chinese people’s life.Traditional Chinese music is played with traditional instruments such as the pipa, erhu, suona, guzheng, huqin, etc. The songs are mainly about love, life and news. Some songs tell us legends long long ago. And they are...
2019-07-07 回答者: 蒙曼郎慕山 1个回答 1
一篇英语作文:育英中学正在招聘一名音乐教师,要求擅长唱歌、跳舞,而 ...
答:Dear Sir,I am now writing to you in the hope of being music teaher of Yu Ying Middle school. There are several reasons for me to make the choice. To begin with, i am good at dancing, singing, and playing the paino and the guitar. Moreover, as a tender female, i...
2011-04-24 回答者: ☆安安☆ 1个回答 49
2017-11-26 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 14

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