答:1.got tired of 2.got along with 3.got into 4.got back 5.got off6.got back 7.got usedto 8.get into是42页第2题 歌声不忧伤 | 发布于2012-09-18 举报| 评论(4) 57 38 我只能给你第二题答案wooden vase entronoe porintings farmen exploded sailors sinking local trial evidence worth ...
2011-12-06 回答者: zx415461584 4个回答 87
答:第三页(1),1 select, 2 rare, 3 reception, 4 amaze, 5 less than, 6 wooden, 7in search of, 8survive, 9 remove, 10 artist, 11 farmer, 12 at war
2017-12-15 回答者: 幻覺l 4个回答 328
问:快,急需 人民教育出版社
答:推荐于2017-12-16 08:46:39 最佳答案 1. Here are the farmers who discovered the underground city last month.2. Hangzhou is a famous city in China where many people come to buy tea.3. I don't know the reason why she got so angry.4. The old man who/whom you are talking to saw ...
2017-12-16 回答者: sxch190 1个回答 32
答:exploded, sailors, sinking,local trial, evidence,entrance 第三题1. I can't tell who/whom this book belongs to.2. Mr Brown came to China in search of a better life.3. He took apart two old chairs to make a couch/sofa.4. John referred to the names of several judges and...
2016-01-03 回答者: 547398324 2个回答 19
答:答案】: 必修二 Unit1 1. 我拿不准这本书是谁的? I am not quite sure who that book belongs to.2. 布朗先生来到中国寻找更美好的未来。Mr Brown came to China in search of a better future.3. 他为了做沙发而拆掉了两把旧椅子。He took apart two old chairs in order to make a...
2023-04-18 回答者: 考试资料网 1个回答
答:回答:1942年7月10日 星期五 当我们到达prinsengrachet,我们飞奔着上楼进入那个藏身之处。我们关上身后的门。 Margot骑着车来的,比我们早到,当我们来的时候她已经在等我们了。所有的房间都堆满了盒子,大家躺在地上或者床上。小房间里堆满了床上用品。如果我们希望在晚上睡上舒适的床铺我们必须马上开始...
2013-10-21 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 29
答:高一英语必修二(人教版)42页第三题翻译。急! 手工翻译如下:1. I can't tell who/whom this book belongs to. 2. Mr Brown came to China in search of a better life. 3. He took apart o old chairs to make a couch/sofa. 4. John referred to the names of several judges...
2022-11-17 回答者: 天宇aiV3 1个回答
答:1. Here are the farmers who discovered teh underground city last month.2. Many people come to buy tea in Hangzhou, which is a famous city in China.3. I don't know the reason why she got so angry.4. You are talking to the old man who saw some Germans taking apart the...
2011-11-15 回答者: brightyang2088 3个回答 110
高一英语必修二课本unit1 learning about language P3页答案
答:第一题 1select 2rare 3reception 4amaze 5less than 6wooden 7in search of 8surrive 9 remove 10artist 11former 12at war 第二题 dynasties style amazing jewels designed decorated farcy rare doubt worth
2013-08-24 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 47
人教版高中英语必修二课后习题Unit 2翻译答案,供大家参考学习
答:答案】: Unit 2 1. 只有在希腊出生的人才能成为古代奥运会的参赛者。Only those who were born in Greece could be admitted as competitors in the ancient Olympic Games.2. 运动员们一个接一个地离开了奥运村。One after another the athletes left the Olympic village.3.他和儿子讨价还价后...
2023-04-18 回答者: 考试资料网 1个回答

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