人教版高中英语必修四课后习题Unit 2翻译答案,供大家参考学习
答:答案】: Unit 2:1.今天的课主要讲如何写新闻总结. (focus on; summary)Today’s lesson focuses on how to write a summary of a news article.2.我们必须快速浏览这个报告, 找到它的主要内容. (skim)We must skim the report to find the main idea.3.老师让我们将难懂的单词划线并查字...
2023-04-18 回答者: 考试资料网 1个回答
答:答案】: 必修四 Unit1:1.努力提高工厂工人的工作条件是值得做的事情. (It is worthwhile to…; condition)It is worthwhile to improve working condition for factory workers.2.她的行为鼓舞了替他人继续为野生动物保护而奋斗. (behavior; inspire)Her behavior. inspired others to carry on the...
2023-04-18 回答者: 考试资料网 1个回答
答:高一英语必修一课本44页第一题答案如下:1. aloha: to be with happiness, goodbye, our hearts singing together.2. lokahi: oneness with all people 3. lei: a circle of flowers worn around the neck.4. kokua: help 5.ohana: family 第二题答案:1. Hawaiians say "aloha" to each ot...
2012-09-03 回答者: lulu1019sky 1个回答 1
高中英语必修4课本答案p12-p13 在线等,急。
答:P12 Ex1 sunburnt rid...of expand circulate would rather struggle export satisfied with equip crops thanks to Ex2 statistics,globe super,nationalities Hunger,disease Vietnam,occupations freedom,exported Ex3 decade struggle expanding Equipped output grain crops battles disturbing P13 Ex2 Helping ...
2017-11-27 回答者: georgehigh2014 1个回答 66
答:自己到人民教育出版社官网去找.方法: 点击这个地址:http://www.pep.com.cn/ge/jszx/jtj/dzkb_1/ 打开人教版高中英语课本的《教师用书》。需要哪册,就点击哪册;然后再点击第几单元。如下图:然后一页一页地往后翻,直到翻到答案页为止(一般都要翻20多页才能翻到答案页)例如:下面是必修一...
2017-09-25 回答者: wlonely 1个回答 93
人教版高中英语必修四课后习题Unit 3翻译答案,供大家参考学习
答:答案】: Unit 3:1.直到现在, 医生还对这种致命的疾病束手无策. (treat; deadly; disease; up to now)Up to now, doctors have been able to do very little to treat this deadly disease.2.父亲死后的一段时间里, 查理非常穷困. (badly off)Charlie was quite badly off for a while...
2023-04-18 回答者: 考试资料网 1个回答
答:原题:答案 :
2013-09-26 回答者: wlonely 1个回答 26
答:1. Meals will be served three times a day. Please check the exact time in the dining hall. √ 2. Rooms will be cleaned in the late morning.3. All competitors will be taken to their sports events at the correct time.4. Visitors will not be allowed to stay in the ...
2012-12-12 回答者: mikechang77 2个回答 125
人教版高中英语必修一P4 P11 P20、21 P28、29 P36、37 填空的答案
问:人教版高中英语必修一P4 P11 P20、21 P28、29 P36、37 填空的答案,就是...
答:P4、一:1,outdoors 2,upset 3,be concern about 4,loose 5,go through 6,ingnore 7,face to face 8,calm dome 9,on series 二:upset go through calm dome concerned about outdoors loose 三:1,in order to 2,dusty 3, set down 4,at dus...
2012-07-11 回答者: 再见的休止符 3个回答 163
答:请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Reading body language correctly is import英语高一新人教版必修4Unit4同步练习(2)及答案解析网友评论头衔:确定取消 编辑头衔邮箱:确定取消 跟踪回复0条评论0次被喜欢 更多追问追答 追问 你能再发一遍吗 是28页的 已赞过 ...
2016-12-01 回答者: cn#BkVQQGfQaf 1个回答 1

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