答:他经常帮我学英语用英语怎么说:he often helped me learn English.learn的读音:英 [lɜ:n];美 [lɜrn]释义:vt.& vi.学习,学会;习得;得知;记住;vt.记住;学习;得知;认识到;vi.学习;获知 变形:过去式:learntlearned过去分词:learntlearned现在分词:learning第三人称单数:...
2023-03-11 回答者: 造梦启航 1个回答
答:他总是鼓励我们学好英语并给予我们支持的英文是:He always encourages us to learn English well and gives us support。encourages的双语例句:1、She encourages them to join the Birdwatching Club to get more information .她鼓励他们加入观鸟俱乐部来得到更多的信息。2、She encourages others to ma...
2023-02-21 回答者: 紫曦一枚 3个回答
答:she often helps me to study English。 望采纳 谢谢、 、、
2017-12-16 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 48
答:He often helps me with my English.1、经常:often 读音:英 ['ɒfn];美 ['ɔːfn]例:I often take my children to play in the park.我经常带我的孩子们去公园玩。例:My brother often scolds me without reason.我哥哥经常无故责备我。2、帮助:help 读音:英 [help...
2019-04-19 回答者: house蜜糖枣枣 5个回答 27
答:I often help her with her ChineseShe often helps me with my English.
2014-11-23 回答者: 知道网友 5个回答 22
答:他经常学习上帮助我”大致可以翻译为:He often helps me with my studies.由于这个句子的时态是一般现在时,第三人称单数。所以谓语部分(help)需要在后面加s。
2018-01-23 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 2
答:He can help me learn English.参考资料:ogin_u
2010-12-15 回答者: 真假宝玉 11个回答 13
答:sb often help sb learn English help sb with English help sb to learn English 这三个短语都行,看help前的主语是单数还是复数,单数的话别忘了动词的三单形式
2018-04-21 回答者: 496292697 7个回答 4
答:我觉得过去完成进行时或者现在完成进行时都可以:He has been writing to me many time/several times to encourage me to make friends and teach me the method of learning English during the 3 years. (这个事情现在还在继续,他还在继续给你写信)He had been writing to me many time/several...
2014-10-17 回答者: Ceciliaz8886 8个回答 1
问:根据汉语提示完成句子! 学习一门英语是很重要的 【 】【 】to learn a ...
答:学习一门外语是很重要的,用英语是:It is very important to learn a foreign language.句子解释:important 英[ɪmˈpɔ:tnt] 美[ɪmˈpɔ:rtnt]adj. 重要的; 权威的; 有势力的; 有地位的;[例句]Her sons are the most important thing in her ...
2016-12-10 回答者: 加油奋斗再加油 2个回答 3

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