2014-12-02 回答者: bak_2_december 1个回答
答:I will have my life. If you well, I will peace of mind. My favorite girl.请采纳
2017-08-11 回答者: 陈馨雨4034 1个回答
问:下面这一段: kiwi 鸟都有飞翔的一天,三个人的时光,我们都要铭记。亲...
答:per share of emotion, are all strength. All of us should be very happy, very happy, even if there is no paradise. A last one from abandon, our preciousness. Three violins and three people,
2008-05-07 回答者: 122518 6个回答 1
问:请大家帮我把下面这段中文翻译成英文,初中英语课外练习。谢谢!! 本月...
答:Son came again to ask his father. 父亲说:“在木头的一端涂上红糖,然后把线绑在蜜蜂身上,再把蜜蜂放在木孔的另一端,然后儿子按照父亲说的做了。 Father said: "In one end of wood painted brown sugar, then tied bee line, then the bees on the other end of wooden hole, then a...
2010-06-16 回答者: DNCF123 4个回答 1
麻烦各位帮我把这段中文翻译英文,不要网上在线翻译的,因为很重要,急 ...
问:3D Studio MAX是由美国Discreet公司研究开发的,目前世界上是世界上应用...
答:pulled out directly after the general geometry of the tool should also be amended by amending modeling work can be completed, providing materials and assign model; setting up lights and cameras; will be converted to the camera perspective view of the camera view after rendering ...
2008-03-23 回答者: 地狱001 2个回答 3
问:Leave me alone Stop calling me at home Where did you get my number ...
答:Leave me alone 别管我 Stop calling me at home 也不要打电话到我家 Where did you get my number anyway?你是怎么知道我家电话号码的?Don't write me E-mails 不要给我发邮件 Don't knock on my door 不要来敲我家门 Don't you remember you didn't love me no more?你难道忘了你再...
2008-06-30 回答者: 宝贝小佳子 4个回答
问:Frederick Winslow Taylor, the father of scientific management, was ...
答:家庭成员间彼此称呼“您”。小时候泰勒就学会了自我控制,成长在一个教友会环境中,泰勒很少和伙伴发生争执,相反,他经常解决同伴之间的争端。Taylor was a compulsive adolescent and was always counting and measuring things to figure a better way of doing something. At age twelve, he invented ...
2010-05-24 回答者: jack00900 4个回答 1
问:Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice...
答:哦,亲爱的,难道你不见我为你而迷醉 I wonder how we can survive This romance 我想知道这段爱情如何才能维系 But in the end if I’m with you I’ll take the chance 但如果最终我能和你在一起,我一定会好好珍惜这个时机 天海相隔,日复一日 And I slowly go insane 我已渐渐憔悴 I ...
2008-03-28 回答者: 柚逆卡 4个回答
问:您好: 感谢您在百忙之中回复我的邮件,我从新更新了一下订单。您帮忙计...
答:1、您好:Hello!2、感谢您在百忙之中回复我的邮件,我从新更新了一下订单。您帮忙计算一下总价,然后告诉我。Thank you for your busy schedule in reply to my email, I updated the order. Please help me calculate the total price and let me know.3、如果无误,我就给您打款了,请您在...
2021-06-22 回答者: 116贝贝爱 46个回答 1
麻烦各位帮我把下面的汉语翻译成英文一下 谢谢
问:⒈毕业以来,他们通过电子邮件保持联系。(keep in touch with) ⒉现在中...
答:⒎你在国外旅行时,我会陪伴你。(keep sb company)I can keep your company when you travelling abroad.⒏我想知道他是否与莎士比亚属于同一时代。(contemporary)I wonder whether he is in the contemporary era with Shakespear.⒐为什么一些荒唐的事情接二连三地发生?(adsurd)Why such absurd ...
2007-02-12 回答者: 星子阿卓 5个回答 1

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