答:英文感谢信 篇1 Dear XXX manager/Mr. / ms/ms: Hello! My name is xx. I am the fifth person in your company's XXXX position. I'm from XXXX university of XXXX university. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview. Thank you for giving me a pleasant experience of speaking wi...
2022-06-30 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:感谢信英语作文100词1 Dear Mary,I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your help when I was in difficulty。 You have been very kind and helpful since we knew each other。Last week, I caught a bad cold and had to stay at home...
2022-06-03 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:英文感谢信 篇1 Iam very grateful for your unselfish work. thank you so much to spare time to help me learning english. there is an obvious effect as my english performance has been improved a lot. It is you that give me so much help to make such a english idiot like me...
2022-06-10 回答者: Mio丶315 1个回答
答:英文感谢信 篇1 * * * * * * * Manager: Hello! Let us first to you and your company to thank you, thank you for your busy schedule can take for us to carry out a good forum. The day before, as a senior US face abroad, PubMed, etc., most of the students feel confused and a...
2022-08-05 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:英文感谢信 篇1 Dear XX, I will be very grateful if you can take several minutes to finish reading this email. I have been working in XXXX for over XXX year since XXXX. I feel very thankful to you and HR of offering me this job. At the very beginning, I haven’t graduated. Because...
2022-07-24 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:英文感谢信 篇1 Dear Prof. Herthwell, Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university. It was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. We had a ...
2022-06-22 回答者: 天宇aiV3 1个回答
答:英文感谢信 篇1 letter of thanks 感谢信(letter of thanks)是外国政府机构或个人的关心、支持、帮助或热情款待表示感谢的对外函件。其具体格式和要求与邀请函相同。例文date and place mr.___minister of ___(address)beijing,china dear minister,i am writing this letter to thank you for y...
2022-07-29 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:英文感谢信 篇1 XX leadership: Hello! In the company for more than three years, I have engaged in a variety of work, accumulated some practical experience. At the same time, the use of the job to read the Chinese university of economic management of part-time MBA learning professional manag...
2022-08-13 回答者: 巴傻gq38 1个回答
答:拜访 你,游览你所在的那座美丽的城市,我想那肯定将是一段轻松愉快的假期。你在闲暇时要多与我联系 你的朋友 格雷丝 猜你喜欢:1. 感谢老师英文邮件范文 2. 大学英文邮件范文 3. 英文感谢信件范文 4. 经典英语感谢信范文 5. 英语邮件的格式及范文 6. 英语感谢信件范文 ...
2022-07-17 回答者: 蚊子193040 1个回答
答:英文感谢信 篇1 Thank You For Interview II Dear (Bosss Name), Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. The interview confirmed what others have told me - that (Company Name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests. I am convinced that I could...
2022-08-10 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答

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