答:Yours truly,Li Hua
2012-05-05 回答者: love飞海 2个回答 8
问:英语作文 假定你是李华,你准备在高中毕业后的暑假参加美国耶鲁大学的暑...
答:Since I’m interested in computer science very much, I would very much like to take computer related courses. I would also want to know the time schedule of these courses to see whether I’ll have time to visit other places in America on weekends.Secondly, can you introduce bo...
2014-10-31 回答者: 摇啊遥151 1个回答 5
问:字数:100左右 必有: 1:好好休息 2:计划开车 3:参加英语口语培训课...
答:篇一:Dear Tom, I'm delighted to chat with you about my plans and arrangements in the summer holiday.First, I need to finish my homework assigned by teachers, which is the most important point in my view. And I will choose to read my favorite novels as many as possible. Mo...
2021-11-18 回答者: 哦提凑了 2个回答 3
问:字数:100左右 必有: 1:好好休息 2:计划开车 3:参加英语口语培训课...
答:practice makes perfect. Besides, I would attend an English oral course to improve my language. This could help me to obtain a better job when I start working after I had grown up. Furthermore,
2021-11-18 回答者: 哦提凑了 2个回答 3
答:My summer holiday plan Summer holiday is coming soon and I have already made my plan for it. First of all, I will spend a few days visiting my grandparents in the countryside. They live in a small village surrounded by beautiful hills and rivers. It’s always a great pleasure...
2023-06-25 回答者: 178******52 1个回答
英语作文 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友jim问及你中考后暑假的安排,请根据...
问:英语作文 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友jim问及你中考后暑假的安排,请根...
答:First, I went to the Driving School to learn to drive so as to get a driving license, which is a very popular activity among Chinese youngsters.I got a driving license and improved my living skills.Then, to make good preparations for my further education, I attended some ...
2018-05-05 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 13
问:字数:100左右 必有: 1:好好休息 2:计划开车 3:参加英语口语培训课...
答:I will also help my parents with some housework so that they can have some more time to relax. What’s more, I will devote some time to doing sports to keep me strong and healthy. If possible, I plan to do some part-time job to add my social experience. Such is the p...
2013-10-25 回答者: 李拴王 1个回答 8
答:1. 经典游学团:例如:在国外有英语课程,参观名牌大学和常规景点的旅游参观,此类以留学机构承办为主。2. 以旅游为主夏令营,此类主要由旅行社承办。例如亲子团等,整个过程由中国人在一起活动,住在酒店,基本不接触国外的学生、老师和家庭,和成人旅游差不多。3. 少数专注于素质教育的教育...
2015-04-29 回答者: 009夏课 1个回答
用一般将来时写一篇关于暑假计划的英语作文 要翻译(初一的) 谢谢
2017-11-24 回答者: 1s9y9w2 4个回答 389
答:由于国内院校很难提供给学生跨专业选修课程的机会,因此我建议她利用暑假期间参加海外院校的summer school,通过系统的课程学习来证明自己在该专业的学习能力。于是,在我的指导下,Z在申请季前的暑假,来到Stanford,完成了三门电子工程相关课程的学习,并获得了不错的成绩。跨专业申请虽然有一定的难度,可是...
2023-08-22 回答者: 网格生活百科 1个回答

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