答:1. To be honest(说实在的,老实说), I'm not strong in English(我的英文很差)2. I have poor listening skills(我的听力水平很差), even incapable of understanding what you say(甚至不能理解您在说什么)3. Because of condition-bound(由于受条件所限), I rarely practise listening and...
2009-04-18 回答者: ※清雨※ 7个回答
问:1.这样东西多少钱?/这些一共多少钱? 2.这个价钱有点贵。这个能便宜点...
答:1. How much is this? / How much are these?2. It's a little bit expensive. Can it be cheaper?3. Is there a little larger size for this kind of clothes / shoes?4. I can only speak a little English.5. Please speak it slowly, my English is not so good.6. I don...
2012-01-13 回答者: jojo_sarah 4个回答 3
问:1、在地中海的怀抱中演绎奇迹 2、伟大的国家队 3、伟大的俱乐部 4、伟大...
答:1、在地中海的怀抱中演绎奇迹 To play miracles in the arm of the Mediterrearean 2、伟大的国家队 The great natiobal team 3、伟大的俱乐部 The great club 4、伟大的球员 The great (marvelous) player 5、伟大的过去 The Glorious past 6、伟大的将来 The great future 7、伟大的球场 The ...
2007-12-21 回答者: 知道网友 6个回答
问:请帮我翻译以下几个句子!!谢谢!!翻译几个也行!!! 1.她这次考试失...
答:15.我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。My grandparents said the person who invented television has once lived in the same neighbourhood that they lived in.16.我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史密斯教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。I suggest we go see Professor Smith right after ...
2006-03-19 回答者: js0421 13个回答 2
答:1、说来话长 It is a long story.2、他的名字我一时说不上来(用recall)I don't recall his name suddenly.3、几天不交作业说不过去(it's really excusesable拼对着没?for)it's really inexcusable that undoing homework for a couple days.4、你要订哪种杂志?(subscribe)Which ...
2014-05-15 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 1
问:U4 1 The council is trying to get more people to do voluntary work ...
答:3 He was a really considerate friend ,always available to help at the slightest hint of trouble ..他真是一个体贴的朋友,哪怕是微不足道的小麻烦也总能提供帮助。4 He pointed out something worthy of our attention in his report ,that is , the so called educational toys and ...
2014-02-14 回答者: deyang07 3个回答 1
问:1. She was everywhere, smiling, busy, soft-footed, always considera...
答:3. My heart-felt thanks also go to the students who have helped me realize the importance of education.我也把衷心的感谢给予那些曾帮助我认识到教育的重要性的学生。4. A data-based paper is one that bases its analysis on data.一张有数据基础的纸是一张把分析基于数据的纸。5. ...
2017-11-24 回答者: 千年蝶蜕 2个回答 18
问:1.Education is not an end, but a means to an end. 2.The revolution ...
答:一个心中记挂着这么多不自然的约会的人怎么能在采访中放松呢?18.When I first lost my job ,the real pain came from the realization that I railed not only myself but four others.当我第一次失业时,真正的痛苦是当我意识到不仅是我而且其他四个人也被围困了。19.All these rules work ...
2007-06-22 回答者: susanash 2个回答
问:1,If you didn't run after her so much ,she might be more interested...
答:3,He disagrees at the moment ,but I'm sure we can win him over to our point of view.他目前还不同意,但是我确信我们会说服他听我们的。4,You've left out the most important detail about the event .你忘了关于这件事情的最重要的细节。5,We should work hard to serve the people...
2007-08-14 回答者: xiao花花 2个回答
问:1.一个大运动场正在山脚下兴建 2.为了节省时间,JOHN总是骑车上学 3.死...
答:1. A big playground is being built af the foot of the mountain.2. John always goes to school by bike in order to save time.3. The driver did not know when he would leave for Shanghai.4. It seemed that he had already knew it.5. The little girl was flying the plane ...
2008-09-02 回答者: charmingpony 5个回答 2

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