请英语好的老师翻译下 谢谢!
问:I was a little confused by some of your questions regarding ‘word’....
答:Before I start spending so much money I will need a sample of what my final product will be.在我开始之前花了这么多钱,我需要一个样本的最终产品将是我。Regarding the o-ring , I feel I need one due to the ±tolerances of molding will not allow me to ensure a snug cap to ...
2011-07-21 回答者: cyy1997媛媛 4个回答
问:I love my childhood It was a wonderful childhood Now I spent the la...
答:When I grow up, I want to be a teacher 当我长大后,我想做一名老师 Everyone said the teacher is people's soul engineer, is the gardener garden 大家都说老师是人类灵魂的工程师,是心灵花园上的园丁 Yes, and I hope the knowledge transfer to the next generation of our motherland 是...
2011-06-03 回答者: wcntmdbdwbd 3个回答
2009-05-28 回答者: a13852909782 4个回答 6
问:Missy is Back With Her new Album Cook book
答:Cook book,如果和前面是一致的话,应该是她新专辑的名字。按字面上的理解,是“厨师手册”“烹调手册”
2005-11-16 回答者: foruforme 11个回答
答:6 of course 9 look like 13 decide to do sth 14 decide not to do sth 15 try to do 16 try doing 17 try one's best to do 18 it feels like a bird 20 build a house 21different between A and B 22 on the top of the moutain 25 enough time 28 dislike to do sth 29 ...
2013-11-01 回答者: 肉山大魔王Z小J 2个回答 4
问:标题是《教育的重要性》 正如文章中所说的一些家长还没搞清楚如何教育好...
答:and burdens. In this case, not only can the score not be improved, but harm shall be done to children's physical and emotional health, so that inferiority complex, diffidence and timidity should appear step by step.In a word, if you want to love him, just love him well....
2012-08-13 回答者: dabianmu 4个回答 3
问:Just to remind you, ACT is aiming to harness emerging technologies,...
答:我个人的意见用战争与4 - 我们不应该只看到我们在做什么,但今天看什么样的能力,特别是我们将要克服未来的挑战。最重要的是:在我们的不利人口不平衡问题。在此之前,我总是指出,北约应把重点放在第四战,我们一应准备在今天为了准备在需要的时候打它。我已经提到,未来的安全环境现在是2025年4如何...
2010-09-24 回答者: 0010710144 2个回答 1
答:第一:我了解到贵校的学习制度是很严谨的,校风很好,师资力量雄厚。第二:贵校的专业很适合我,我非常愿意在贵校学习。第三:我想在贵校锻炼自己,以后为贵校做贡献,为社会做贡献,为国家作贡献。我非常想加入贵校,称为贵校中的一份子,请各位老师给我机会,我一定不负众望。谢谢老师们。Dear ...
2013-03-06 回答者: wyh2670 2个回答 2
...worry so much about 请老师帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!
2012-08-30 回答者: 惊退一步 2个回答 1
问:请问你在我公司工作的这几年中你觉得自己有什么样的贡献? A我在销售部...
答:Do you work at my company in these years you think you have what kind of contribution?A:I am in the sales department: I've been there for seven years, at work, I join with my colleagues to do the promotion for the company's products, performance has been ranked in the ...
2010-06-03 回答者: 悠YO悦灵 6个回答

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