问:Dear Lucy, Glad to have received your e-mail. Now I am writing to s...
答:因为我还是个学生,我会专注学业。除此之外,上网时间过长还会有损健康。你同意我的观点吗?期待得到你的回信!你的 李明
2014-02-27 回答者: 林真治 4个回答
问:Long long ago, there was a kind lady. Every day, she baked bread fo...
2014-09-05 回答者: H黄笑言 2个回答 5
问:This points to the fact that soon poker in Russia must become a con...
答:This points to the fact that soon poker in Russia must become a considerable part of the gambling industry. The increased numbers of poker tournament participants show that significantly more new players have appeared. If the demand exists then the development of the poker industry is ...
2007-08-18 回答者: crcsteve 4个回答 1
问:Bob's mom is mad. His room is a mess! She says,"Clean your room!" B...
答:Bob的母亲要疯掉了 他的房间凌乱不堪 她说:“把你的房间打扫一下”Bob把他的玩具放到床下面 Bob把他的脏衣服放到床下面 Bob把他的书放到床下面 他说:“现在我的房间干净了”。
2008-07-12 回答者: happyneal 6个回答 18
问:Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠) into good land ag...
2012-10-03 回答者: 美丽人生的密码 9个回答 18
问:Caterpillar-卡特彼勒(我的公司) Perkins-珀金斯(卡特彼勒旗下的公司...
答:Caterpillar-卡特彼勒(我的公司)Perkins-珀金斯(卡特彼勒旗下的公司)领导让我翻译一个英文PPT,我英语不是很好,求大虾们帮忙,能翻多少就多少,跪谢!Therefore we are having a safety stand down to cascade this important message.(所以我们有一个安全的不在场人员来发布这个重要的信息)Between May...
2008-07-28 回答者: ruilinwu 4个回答 5
问:为了你 我从北京回来了 否定了所有关心我的人 因为你不想去那,而且那城...
答:因为你不想去那,而且那城市也没有你 It was all because you don't want to go there and you will not be there anyway. (而且那城市也没有你-- 这句话和前一句矛盾,不过我还是翻译了,你看着办)要选择大学了,你会在哪 "It's the high time of selecting a university (college). ...
2008-06-26 回答者: Rhapsodia晚枫 3个回答
英语高手 帮我翻译一下短文
答:necessary,Accounting as a management tool, for each of the managers in the day-to-day management application. Accounting has become even know the inevitable needs of each individual,The economic study of the professional and managerial class, students learn accounting is crucial....
2007-12-24 回答者: qwe3286428 3个回答 1
问:现在——我要沉默。 保持最安静的一面。 我爱你们,真的很爱你们…… 我也爱...
答:时间凝固,你的温柔我还记得。Time's been freezed, and I still remember your tenderness.我爱你。请你记住!I love you, please keep it in your mind.不要忘,不许忘。Don't forget, you're not allow to forget.不哭了..Don't cry...没有眼泪了。Tear's already run out.只有干干...
2009-06-29 回答者: 急水流沙 4个回答 6
答:In the 24 hours without you,I thought a lot. I am scared,I am flinched.That's not because of your question or other reasons.That's because of you. Your tension is my panic.Your trouble is my disaster. I will leave. Please forget me,forget the guy who has done all ...
2011-09-18 回答者: waitingkegu 6个回答 1

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