问:想知道关于足球的所有术语的英文翻译 在国外现在,经常跟老外踢球,可总是...
答:charity soccer match 慈善足球赛 out-side 边锋 cheering team 啦啦队 out-side left 左边锋 close game 比分接近的比赛 out-side right 右边锋 close range shot 近距离射门 own goal 踢入本方球门(对方得分) control the midfield 控制中场 pass 传球 corner area 角球区 penalty 点球 corner ball 角球 penalty...
2018-04-16 回答者: 髸儛夢剧場╰纯 7个回答 29
问:“华丽的球技。帅气的过人。英俊的五官。矫健的身姿。铲倒。裁判。 媒体...
答:华丽的球技:Gorgeous shots 帅气的过人:Handsome lover 英俊的五官:Handsome features 矫健的身姿:Stout posture 铲倒:Shovel down 裁判:referee(仅用于篮球、足球、拳击)媒体:Media 在伤口上撒盐:Salt in the wounds 去中场断球:Go to the midfield ball 奋力地拼抢:To earn the right to 积极地跑动...
2010-08-02 回答者: jtkut7 5个回答
答:Attack攻击能力 Defense防守能力 Balance平衡能力 Stamina体力 Top Speed最高速度 Acceleration加速度 Response反应 Agility敏捷性 Dribble acc.盘球精度 Dribble sp.盘球速度 Short Pass acc.短传精度 Short Pass sp.短传速度 Long Pass acc.长传精度 Long Pass sp.长传速度 Shot acc.射门精度 Shot Power...
2009-06-21 回答者: ervinwei 4个回答 9
问:Total Appearances Total Clean Sheets Avg. Goals Conceded Avg. Saves...
答:问一些英文专业足球术语的翻译!Total Appearances Total Clean Sheets Avg. Goals Conceded Avg. Saves Per Game Avg. Saves Per Goal Avg. Claim Success Avg. Punches Dist. Success Dist. Length Performance Score Total Goals Scored Shot Accuracy Total Chances Created Avg. Pass Accuracy Avg. ...
2018-03-08 回答者: cn#GkVffLuGBf 1个回答
问:DIVISION,ST,"A"CAPS, Preferred Foot :Right/Left; Description:Young ...
答:DIVISION 级别 ST 中锋 "A"CAPS 亚洲杯 Preferred Foot :Right/Left 习惯用脚:右/左 Description:Young talented Striker 说明:年轻有天赋的攻击型球员 Fitness Level:体能状态:Well-conditioned player 适应能力好的球员 Deadly in front of goal 临门一脚 Powerful shoter – excellent free kicker ...
2007-03-12 回答者: liangzi_129 1个回答
问:世界足球先生 世界足球小姐 亚洲足球小姐 界外球 球门球 前锋 中场 后卫...
答:(Soccer) in the World 世界足球小姐 Miss Football (Soccer) in the World 亚洲足球小姐 Miss Football (Soccer) in Asia 界外球 Outside ball 球门球 Goal line 前锋 forward (striker)中场 midfield 后卫 back or full back 先发 first line up 替补 reserve 国歌 national anthem ...
2007-09-28 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 5
问:(罚)点球 越位 射门 传中 任意球 出黄牌 中场 传球 头球 角球 门球 前场...
答:点球penalty 越位offside 射门shoot(名词shot) 传中 任意球freekick 出黄牌show the yellow card 中场midfield 传球 pass头球header 角球corner 门球 goal kick 前场任意球forward freekick 前锋striker 后卫defender 守门员goalkeeper 裁判 referee 还有 开球: kick off 补时:injury time 乌龙球:own goal 教...
2006-07-06 回答者: zhouandrew 4个回答 7
问:哪位高手能翻译下以下足球词汇,或者能翻译多少算多少 tackles suffered...
答:哪位高手能翻译下以下足球词汇,或者能翻译多少算多少tacklessufferedtacklessufferedlosingpossessionSolorunsDelive... 哪位高手能翻译下以下足球词汇,或者能翻译多少算多少tackles sufferedtackles suffered losing possessionSolo runsDeliveries in penalty areaShots on goal from outside penalty areaBlocked shots from int...
2010-07-15 回答者: 若雨翔 10个回答 6
问:请高手们翻译以下句子(不要机译的)及词语谢谢. 1.他是一名出色的中场球...
答:good midfielder, is the core of the team. He has a powerful personal dribbling ability and excellent speed, his passing accuracy and the ability to have a stronger long-range.2. Transfer (transfer from ... Team ... Team, how to say?)3. Euro 4. European Champions League ...
2009-06-19 回答者: wangzs412 3个回答 3
2024-04-14 回答者: 文暄生活科普 1个回答

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