问:Mathilda, a twelve-year old New York girl, is living an undesirable...
答:现在,一个杀手之间的冲突,他慢慢发现自己的能力去生活,去感受,去爱和腐败的警察,谁做什么他可以摆脱一个目击者,产生不可测的比例各为一个十二岁的小女孩的缘故,他几乎什么都没有失去。英文完整版Mathilda, a twelve-year old New York girl, is living an undesirable life among her half-family. Her father...
2013-10-06 回答者: 其实小孩有自尊 3个回答 3
答:这个杀手不太冷/终极追杀令/杀手莱昂 Léon(1994)Mathilda, a twelve-year old New York girl, is living an undesirable life among her half-family. Her father stores drugs for two-faced cop Norman Stansfield. Only her little brother keeps Mathilda from breaking apart. One day, Stansfield...
2011-04-07 回答者: huzhigang4948 3个回答 22
答:中文片名:这个杀手不太冷 英文片名:Leon - The Professional 出品年份:1994 影片长度:2小时12分钟40 发行公司:哥伦比亚
2013-10-16 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 1
<这个杀手不太冷> 英文简介
问:要求简介不可以太短,但也不可以太长... 大约在100英文字左右。 要把故事...
答:这个杀手不太冷/终极追杀令/杀手莱昂 Léon(1994)Mathilda, a twelve-year old New York girl, is living an undesirable life among her half-family. Her father stores drugs for two-faced cop Norman Stansfield. Only her little brother keeps Mathilda from breaking apart. One day, Stansfield...
2017-11-25 回答者: 颠覆与背叛 2个回答 26
答:"First Love", what a warm and slightly sad but beautiful words. It represents the dreams of our youth, forever young , there is no longer that of the old time came back dripping pathos.Perhaps the feelings of innocence that has long been a thing of the past, and he / she...
2011-05-23 回答者: hgn123123 1个回答
答:Léon teaches her the methods of his job so she can take her revenge from the corrupted DEA agent who ruined her life by killing her brother out of no actual reason. Gradually, Léon and Mathilda form an unusual relationship, as she becomes his protégée and learns the assassin'...
2015-07-06 回答者: ★碁★ 1个回答 16
答:1、Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?玛蒂尔达:是不是人生总是如此艰难,还是只有童年如此?Léon: Always like this.莱昂:总是如此。当时玛蒂尔达才受到家里毒打,独自坐在楼梯口,红着眼睛,对路过的莱昂说出了疑惑,然而答案却是人生一直如此,每个人在...
2021-03-05 回答者: _california_ 1个回答 8
答:谁看过《这个杀手不太冷》能不能用英语简介一下,拜托了 5 只需要简介,英文的,有点评论自己的观点更好,不需要将情节都写下... 只需要简介,英文的,有点评论自己的观点更好,不需要将情节都写下 展开  我来答 5个回答 #热议# 孩子之间打架 父母要不要干预? 呼经赋5J 2006-11-19 知道答主 ...
2006-11-19 回答者: 说英雄道英雄 5个回答
答:1. Old Lady:[investigating the noise] What's happening out there?Malky:All right, ma'am, go away, DEA. Police.Old Lady:Why don't you leave that poor family alone?Malky:[to Stansfield] It's all right, everything's al right. Just calm down.Stansfield:I am calm.[loads ...
2016-11-06 回答者: obwangge1 2个回答 20
这个杀手不太冷 影评英文版小短文 急
答:1、Luc Besson's movie Léon (The Professional) gives us an intense story which is maximized in potential by the casting of the movie done by Todd Thaler. Every aspect of the movie delivers to the audience and makes an impressive overall package. Jean Reno plays a character named...
2011-04-05 回答者: ZXSONGXINQI 2个回答 7

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