人教版高中英语必修四课后习题Unit 2翻译答案,供大家参考学习
答:答案】: Unit 2:1.今天的课主要讲如何写新闻总结. (focus on; summary)Today’s lesson focuses on how to write a summary of a news article.2.我们必须快速浏览这个报告, 找到它的主要内容. (skim)We must skim the report to find the main idea.3.老师让我们将难懂的单词划线并查字...
2023-04-18 回答者: 考试资料网 1个回答
答:3大题答案:1.The girl was rescued from the well.S1:The girl was rescued from the well which was very deep.S2:The girl was rescued from the well that was full of water.S3:The girl who was drowning was rescued from the well .S4:The girl whose parents were out working was...
2013-10-13 回答者: wlonely 1个回答 1
答:Ⅲ. 1. gets 2. goes 3. has 4. favorite 5. likes 6. interesting 7. lunch 8. relaxing 9. does 10. boring Ⅳ. 1. What is your 2. Why do 3. When; you have 4. Who is 5. My favorite subject Ⅴ. 1. favorite sport 2. is strict with 3. ...
2016-04-23 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
答:答案:D 题意:和大多数人的想法相反,毕业生来到这里不是求名和利而是寻求生活的真正价值。第一空contrary to“与……相反”;第二空seek fame or money“求名利”。14.(2010·广东省深圳高级中学高一下期末)Property insurance helps you to___against natural disasters, in front of which humans appear too s...
2016-12-01 回答者: cn#BkVQQGfQaf 1个回答 1
答:第一题 1 useless;2 nation ;3 a number of ;4 dirt;5 at an end;6 extreme;7 right away;8 steam;9 shock;10 track;11 rescue;12 ruin
2013-06-08 回答者: 1398924600苗 2个回答 63
答:自己到人民教育出版社官网去找.方法: 点击这个地址:http://www.pep.com.cn/ge/jszx/jtj/dzkb_1/ 打开人教版高中英语课本的《教师用书》。需要哪册,就点击哪册;然后再点击第几单元。如下图:然后一页一页地往后翻,直到翻到答案页为止(一般都要翻20多页才能翻到答案页)例如:下面是必修一...
2017-09-25 回答者: wlonely 1个回答 93
答:1. Here are the farmers who discovered teh underground city last month.2. Many people come to buy tea in Hangzhou, which is a famous city in China.3. I don't know the reason why she got so angry.4. You are talking to the old man who saw some Germans taking apart the...
2011-11-15 回答者: brightyang2088 3个回答 110
答:二、高中人教版英语必修四第二十页上练习题的参考答案如下图所示:参考答案的网址:http://www.pep.com.cn/ge/jszx/jtj/dzkb_1/B4/201107/t20110715_1056475.htm 三、课本相关信息:人教版新课标高中英语是人民教育出版社于2007年首次出版发行的适用于普通高中学校高一至高三的英语教材。高中三年共有...
2017-09-15 回答者: 洒落一串泪 3个回答 6
答:高一英语必修一28页3和4题。  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 妇女节专题:女性如何自我保护? 匿名用户 2014-10-27 展开全部 追问 谢了! 本回答由提问者推荐 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 匿名用户 2014-10-27 展开全部 更多追问追答 追答 这是题目的翻译,对你有用 已赞...
2014-10-27 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 2
2011-04-18 回答者: 悉ル卟乖 4个回答 19

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