答:Friends, speak up your mind, and do what you want to do!朋友,喊出你心中所要喊出的声音吧,做出你心中所要做的事情吧!In short, hurry up to give full play to the life bestowed on you by Nature, and hold aloft a torch to offer a little light to the world, for, oth...
2023-01-25 回答者: 连林娥 1个回答
答:在我看来,遇到困难的时候,我们应该学会保持积极乐观的态度,这样我们就有更多的力量去维持和追逐我们的梦想。 关于积极向上的英语演讲稿2 Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldn't complain about it. We may get a lot or lose so much in our life journey, but keeping a positive attitude ...
2022-06-16 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。从过去来看,生活是艰苦的,但我们是更坚强。我们知道我们不能选择感觉,但是我们能选择和它相关的东西。失败并不意味着你不拥有成功,它只意味着你应该用另一种方式去做这件事。失败并不意味着你应该放弃,只意味着你应该更加努力。高中生励志英语演讲稿 ...
2023-01-14 回答者: 能笑柳 1个回答
答:我们年轻,精力充沛,这是我们为未来奋斗的好时候,永远不要害怕失败,因为它是成功之母。只要有耐心,我们就能达到目标,珍惜时间,不断奋斗。三分钟励志英语演讲稿2 We know it is difficult to learn English. My English is very good. I learnEnglish like this.I Listen to the teacher care...
2022-07-01 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
2013-09-23 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 17
答:高中英语演讲稿三分钟(1) ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,i am chinese. i am proud of being a chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. i‘ve learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. i‘ve learned about the great wall and the ...
2022-12-17 回答者: 枆憩熫慚嘦囏站 1个回答
答:1:my dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.my dream is to become a teacher.you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. ...
2012-06-12 回答者: q736388413 1个回答 3
答:英语三分钟演讲稿---未来的理想工作 Everybody good afternoon:. First of all thank the teacher gave me a story in my own future ideal job. Everyone has a dream job. My dream is to become a boss, own a company. In order to achieve my dreams, I need to find a good job, to accumulat...
2023-02-12 回答者: 天堂圣魂丶弧聤 1个回答
问:急求一篇四分钟到五分钟之内的励志英语演讲稿,最好采用次数不多 谢谢
答:我的演讲完毕!谢谢大家!【二】Opportunity 机会 With doubt and dismay you are smitten,怀疑和沮丧使你备受煎熬,You think there's no chance for you,son?孩子,你认为你没有机会吗?Why,the best books haven't been written.为什么要这么想呢?最好的书还没有写成,The best race hasn't ...
2017-11-23 回答者: dym1990411 1个回答 164
答:以下是我精心整理的高一英语的3分钟演讲稿,欢迎阅读与收藏。 as everyone knows english is very important today.it has been used everywhere in the world.it has bee the most mon language on inter and for international trade. if we can speak english well we will have more chance ...
2022-10-28 回答者: 天宇aiV3 1个回答

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