暑假的来历英文 简版
答:The origin of the summer vacation Summer was originally called Sook, was previously the ancient old style private school holiday mode, they are generally in the summer holiday, for a period of 12 days. Later, people will bring Sook false name into the summer. Legend of the spring...
2015-08-31 回答者: 1troy1 1个回答 36
答:The, also known as stone mountain, located in Hebi Qixian County15 kilometers west of the Taihang Mountain in Shandong. Yun Mengshan is known as the first Chinese ancient military school, is the place where our country during the spring and Autumn period a bit Guiguzi -- Wang C...
2017-11-26 回答者: 若离〃浅之 2个回答 111
暑假是怎麽来的 英文
答:What's the origin of summer holiday?希望可以帮到你~o(∩_∩)o
2011-09-01 回答者: profleea 3个回答
答:因为我喜欢暑假的英文:Because I enjoy summer vacation。暑假是一个汉语词语,是适用于全世界在校学生和教师的一个较长的夏季假期。北半球国家一般在6月下旬(或7月上/中旬)至9月1日。南半球国家一般在1月。暑假是指从七月至八月或一月到二月,大约一到两个月学校放假的时间,因国家半球位置不同...
2023-04-22 回答者: L4264548 1个回答
答:刚放假,爸爸就带我去了横店影视城,我们游玩了江南水乡,明清宫苑,清明上河图等景点,我还穿上小格格的服饰拍了照,这儿别有一番农村风味和山城气息 呢 篇二:暑假英语作文带翻译50字Unconsciously, a semester has passed, to meet us, is a long summer vacation.This summer holiday, I can&...
2019-08-29 回答者: cn#akGVkaGkQL 2个回答 15
2022-04-30 回答者: 天府TV 1个回答
答:暑假的英文:summer vacation 单词解释:1、summer作为名词n.意思是夏季,全盛时期。例句:The summer storm laid the crops.夏日的风暴刮倒了庄稼。2、summer也可作为形容词adj.意思是夏季的。例句:The summer drought has dealt a heavy blow to the government's economic record.夏季的干旱已经对政府...
2019-08-04 回答者: xyz0703 9个回答 47
问:在线等半小时之内。 要自己写 高中水平,100到150字左右。 有的发到我 Q...
答:第一篇:The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers...
2009-09-04 回答者: zihuatanejobay 4个回答 6
暑假 的英文单词是什么
答:summer vacation ; summer holidays 例句:今年暑假你打算去旅行吗?Are you going to hostel this summer holiday?他们一致决定今年暑假去夏威夷。They agreed on Hawaii for this summer holiday.他把两个月的暑假全消磨在一个海滨胜地了。He lingered away his two-month summer vacation at a seaside ...
2018-04-13 回答者: 浮流年zzx 4个回答 5
问:内容要求: 1、过去学生是怎样度过假期的; 2、现在许多学生在暑假期间...
答:The past holidays, students don't have much feature classes, cram school, although have homework, but also is relatively easy.But now all the family of high expectations, a less-pressured \"is the lifetime wish of the parents, and there was the phenomenon of various cram school...
2013-12-27 回答者: 红豆爱阿翁 2个回答 3

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