问:What are the rules at your school? Don,t run in the hallways and do...
答:3.What are the rules in public places?Don't speak loudly and don't run.
2010-01-21 回答者: 瓶水微澜 6个回答 5
谁能帮我翻译一下这句话"god helps those who help themselves"_百度知 ...
答:god helps those who help themselves=自助者天助之。 是一句英语成语
2006-11-26 回答者: 知道网友 6个回答 10
答:This is a prosperous city business district,这是一个繁华的城市商业区,,three commercial street in this intersection,三条商业街在此交汇,everywhere is the shop.到处都是商店。
2014-03-13 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
帮我翻译一下这个句子 "不管如何努力也不能改变现状,所以选择比努 ...
答:No matter how hard you cannot change the status quo, so choose more important than efforts
2010-10-31 回答者: 在水一方の的人 3个回答 1
问:必须要用固定短语 用consider it +adj/n+to do sth 有人翻译的是Icons...
答:I consider it regrettable to give up this interview.或者 I consider (that) it is a pity to give up this interview.to do sth 是不定式,不应该用过去分词gave,而应该用动词的原型give consider it 如果可以看做是 consider (that) it be的句式,那后一种可以;如果consider it 是固定短语...
2012-09-25 回答者: 甜泡芙 32个回答 1
问:here is a sweat baby like my teeth like my tongue or u like my figu...
答:it is time to let me in baby r u ready (r u ready) 是时候让我进入你的身体了,宝贝你准备好了么?(你准备好了么)did u know me? 你认识(了解)我么?tell me will u call me? 告诉我你会打电话给我么?baby tell me will u love me? 宝贝告诉我你会爱我么?remenber me no ...
2007-04-11 回答者: shinjiao 1个回答 13
答:The garden lived many things, a lovely animals, of course, also somebody. All the people are to the garden, all things, not from the garden.
2010-09-11 回答者: lixue990120 8个回答
答:宁愿多一个神一样的敌人,也不要多一个猪一样的队友---It's better to have an enemy like a god than to have a teammate like a pig!
2020-05-14 回答者: 石曼云凭凡 6个回答 4
答:When we got a problem, we can get the Internet looking for answers 当我们有不懂的问题时,我们可以上网寻找答案
2013-11-01 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 4
答:这里是一个和平的城市,单纯的人们,美好的生活,令人向往。但是,这天却来了三个奇怪的家伙!It was a peaceful city. The people there were kind. They lived a good and enviable[ˈenvi:əbəl] life. However, there were three strange guys arrived.为什么抢劫 为了钱 ...
2011-03-30 回答者: 1063284878 4个回答 1

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